Very effective guide that has a guranteed win rate of 9/10 battles once you get used to Skaarf (depending on how good the teammates and opponents are) lol upvoted!
Very detailed and well presented. Your guides are getting better n' better each time.
By the way, Skaarf's basic attack has the shortest range out of all ranged characters, meaning it ain't gonna take Krulmuch effort to gap-close Skaarf down with Dead Man's Rushor From Hell's Heart. Catherinecan also just as easily negate Skaarf's ultimate by locking him down with a Merciless Pursuit.
Lemme know what you think...
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Skaarf might have the shortest range, but he have the longest range for his Spitfire ( perhaps other than Hellfire Brew, wink wink ) So as long as skaarf does not go near krul, but land his Spitfire, he should be fine. Catherine is a problem, so when you see her, get Reflex Block. Other than that, she really isn't dangerous as she is a tank. Just watch out for the silence as well ;)
Very detailed and well presented. Your guides are getting better n' better each time.
By the way, Skaarf's basic attack has the shortest range out of all ranged characters, meaning it ain't gonna take Krulmuch effort to gap-close Skaarf down with Dead Man's Rushor From Hell's Heart. Catherinecan also just as easily negate Skaarf's ultimate by locking him down with a Merciless Pursuit.
Lemme know what you think... Upvoted!
like always, Zyronl, giving very clear explanations, allowing us to choose the build that fits to us the most. You got another one of my +1 with a free cookie too ;)
like always, Zyronl, giving very clear explanations, allowing us to choose the build that fits to us the most. You got another one of my +1 with a free cookie too ;)
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why use clockwork? my skills are never on cooldown. i Use eve of harvest, boots, crucible, shatterglass, frostburn and metal jacket
In that case, good! You should only get
Very detailed and well presented. Your guides are getting better n' better each time.
By the way, Skaarf's basic attack has the shortest range out of all ranged characters, meaning it ain't gonna take
Lemme know what you think...
Free cookies for everyone! ðŸª
By the way, Skaarf's basic attack has the shortest range out of all ranged characters, meaning it ain't gonna take
Lemme know what you think... Upvoted!
Free cookies for everyone! ðŸª
like always, Zyronl, giving very clear explanations, allowing us to choose the build that fits to us the most. You got another one of my +1 with a free cookie too ;)
Thank you :)
This a wonderful work! Great job Zyronl!
Thank you :)