I cannot change the ability points, its bugged. I do in fact max B first though. Also, you do not need book of eulogies. You should be farming only and not trying to poke them down during early game. If they come to try kill you, just use a halcyon potion and run away with roadie run.
Yep, I came across this problem when I made my guide. It seems the only way to change the ability path is to edit it using a computer or laptop. Happy Chinese New Year to you too.
Thanks. Solid and beautiful guide like always with you.
Why dont you choose to max B before A at early game? I feel like crystal saw early game deals more damage with his Suppressing fire and get more lifesteal from there too. A good item to start with for crystal saw is book of eulogies too for lane sustain :) then you go back to your build !
Then choice of items here is perfect to my opinion.
begin with shatterglass, clockwork, EVE of harvest (amazing lifesteal, there is only few hero where you actually get this powered lifesteal, for example i feel on my crystal ringo [cf new guide relased] that eve of harvest is useless.
Good job.
I cannot change the ability points, its bugged. I do in fact max B first though. Also, you do not need book of eulogies. You should be farming only and not trying to poke them down during early game. If they come to try kill you, just use a halcyon potion and run away with roadie run.
Thanks. Solid and beautiful guide like always with you.
Why dont you choose to max B before A at early game? I feel like crystal saw early game deals more damage with his Suppressing fire and get more lifesteal from there too. A good item to start with for crystal saw is book of eulogies too for lane sustain :) then you go back to your build !
Then choice of items here is perfect to my opinion.
begin with shatterglass, clockwork, EVE of harvest (amazing lifesteal, there is only few hero where you actually get this powered lifesteal, for example i feel on my crystal ringo [cf new guide relased] that eve of harvest is useless.
Good job.
Thanks to everyone who have been supporting me :)
I finally made this guide and now, i won't get more " MAKE SAW GUIDE " spams! Yay! No joking. Anyways, i hope you find this useful, the next guide is probably Krul. I'll see as time pass. Once again, happy Chinese New Year.
Also, i will not be making a WP SAW guide. I do not play WP and i will forever stick to CP.
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I cannot change the ability points, its bugged. I do in fact max B first though. Also, you do not need book of eulogies. You should be farming only and not trying to poke them down during early game. If they come to try kill you, just use a halcyon potion and run away with roadie run.
Yep, I came across this problem when I made my guide. It seems the only way to change the ability path is to edit it using a computer or laptop. Happy Chinese New Year to you too.
Thanks. Solid and beautiful guide like always with you.
Why dont you choose to max B before A at early game? I feel like crystal saw early game deals more damage with his Suppressing fire and get more lifesteal from there too. A good item to start with for crystal saw is book of eulogies too for lane sustain :) then you go back to your build !
Then choice of items here is perfect to my opinion.
begin with shatterglass, clockwork, EVE of harvest (amazing lifesteal, there is only few hero where you actually get this powered lifesteal, for example i feel on my crystal ringo [cf new guide relased] that eve of harvest is useless.
Good job.
I cannot change the ability points, its bugged. I do in fact max B first though. Also, you do not need book of eulogies. You should be farming only and not trying to poke them down during early game. If they come to try kill you, just use a halcyon potion and run away with roadie run.
Why dont you choose to max B before A at early game? I feel like crystal saw early game deals more damage with his Suppressing fire and get more lifesteal from there too. A good item to start with for crystal saw is book of eulogies too for lane sustain :) then you go back to your build !
Then choice of items here is perfect to my opinion.
begin with shatterglass, clockwork, EVE of harvest (amazing lifesteal, there is only few hero where you actually get this powered lifesteal, for example i feel on my crystal ringo [cf new guide relased] that eve of harvest is useless.
Good job.
Thanks to everyone who have been supporting me :)
I finally made this guide and now, i won't get more " MAKE
Also, i will not be making a WP