Who is Ringo? Top
Ringo is a sniper that focuses on gold in the early and mid game. Ringo players should focus on gold as their first priority since no Ringo is good without gold. Ringo is weak on his own, but when Ringo has lots of gold, Ringo will turn into one of the most OP characters in the fold. Ringo has high mobility, high attack speeds, a slowing ability, and a massive fireball to chase enemies that are so close to being dead. To be a good Ringo, you must master the art of last hitting.
The Laning Process: The Beginning Top
When your team is in the process of choosing their hero, don't lock on to Ringo as soon as possible. If one of your teammates or both are going to be in the lane, switch to a different hero because Ringo won't get enough gold to be OP. You could simply leave the game and then try again if you don't care of losing karma and gold. As soon as you start quickly buy your
Weapon Blade and a
Halcyon Potion in about 4 seconds and activate
Twirling Silver when you are ready to get to the lane. When you activate it, the regeneration at your base will regenerate your energy. Remember to always use this tip because it will get you a good start. If you have activated this at the very beginning. When you get to the middle of the lane, you should be at the same pace with the second minion. Start shooting your bullets at the first enemy minion without pausing. You will get the last hit. Shoot at the second minion by shooting 2 shots only. When the hp bar on top of the minion glows to a bright orange, shoot. This is a hint that you will get a guaranteed last hit. I recommend moving the minions toward your side of the lane for safety. Don't be reckless and go straight into destroying turrets. You will pretty much be dead which is NOT a good thing at all. As Ringo in the early game, you should stay in the safety of your turret so the possibility of a gank decreases. At around the 3 minute mark, upgrade the weapon blade for a
Heavy Steel and buy
Travel Boots as soon as you can. Near the 7-8 minute mark, finish the
Sorrowblade and then get the
Journey Boots. Don't focus on killing, only on last hitting.
The Laning Process: The Mid Game Top
Start building your
Tension Bow and try to buy the tier 2 items. Head to the lane and you can start harassing the enemy laner with some kiting. Finish the tension bow at the 13 minute mark. Start building
Tornado Trigger right after that. Then add a
Lucky Strike as you enter the late game. Don't push the lane too far unless its an ace.
The Laning Process: The Late Game... Top
Forget the lane for now and stick around with your teammates. Try finishing up the
Tyrant's Monocle and then you are now able to kill anything. You can now slowly build on your
Shatterglass, but it isn't really needed. It is just for some extra damage for your abilities. Once you have your full build or without the shatterglass, you could get some Infusions for extra power. Always stay behind your teammates since your team could be in for a surprise attack. During team battles: Activate Twirling Silver for the attack speed and movement speed boost. When in the jungle separate and attempted to join in from the escape route if you enemy is low and escaping. Use Achilles' Heel to slow him down and shoot 'em to death. Ringo is still very fragile so stay at the back during team fights if possible. When your team thinks of taking the Kraken when there is an ace or only one enemy alive, you could go for the last enemy while your team trys to capture the kraken or push the lane to scare the enemy team. Your attacks deal a HUGE amount of damage. HUGE. Somewhere between 500 - 800 Damage or so with each bullet. One ace and you yourself can push the turrets yourself only. The late game is where Ringo shines so it won't be a huge problem.
Thanks! Top
Thanks yall for reading and pls check out my Taka guide. Link will be below.
Have fun playing Vainglory
and dominate the Halcyon Fold...
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