It's ciderhelm's video that you talked about it. Even though it's less effective together, it's effectiveness is so good on Koshka that it doesn't matter.
No offense, but selling your tier 3 item mid game... it is a VERY BAD IDEA. Never do that, even if your winning you will start losing. The gold you get back is not even worth at all. Also, you get aftershock too late, it should be your primary tool for dishing out damage. It's a really great item on Koshka.
thanks for ur comments ...after which i tried using both ... thanks for your advice too ..hats off.
It's ciderhelm's video that you talked about it. Even though it's less effective together, it's effectiveness is so good on Koshka that it doesn't matter.
No offense, but selling your tier 3 item mid game... it is a VERY BAD IDEA. Never do that, even if your winning you will start losing. The gold you get back is not even worth at all. Also, you get aftershock too late, it should be your primary tool for dishing out damage. It's a really great item on Koshka.
Aftershock have a 2s cool down ..which may affect the frostburn since both are activated after usIng ability. .. i remember somewhere i have seen a tutorial video explaining about use of frostbutn and aftershock together .. personally i haven't used or tried it..after u asked for this ...i searched for the video ...if i find it will post it here
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It's ciderhelm's video that you talked about it. Even though it's less effective together, it's effectiveness is so good on Koshka that it doesn't matter.
No offense, but selling your tier 3 item mid game... it is a VERY BAD IDEA. Never do that, even if your winning you will start losing. The gold you get back is not even worth at all. Also, you get aftershock too late, it should be your primary tool for dishing out damage. It's a really great item on Koshka.
thanks for ur comments ...after which i tried using both ... thanks for your advice too ..hats off.
No offense, but selling your tier 3 item mid game... it is a VERY BAD IDEA. Never do that, even if your winning you will start losing. The gold you get back is not even worth at all. Also, you get aftershock too late, it should be your primary tool for dishing out damage. It's a really great item on Koshka.
Why do you recommend against using
Aftershock have a 2s cool down ..which may affect the frostburn since both are activated after usIng ability. .. i remember somewhere i have seen a tutorial video explaining about use of frostbutn and aftershock together .. personally i haven't used or tried it..after u asked for this ...i searched for the video ...if i find it will post it here