We are a new Guild that is searching for skilled players across the SEA region. I created this Guild cause we all know that we hate solo queue, a place called hell, a place where our negative emotions are born; anger, depress, sorry, and despair. To stop solo queue I decided to create a Guild called Moon Slayer. A Guild that will exterminate every dark emotion from your heart. If we lose we stay positive, when we win we celebrate. This is how we do things, we are Moon Slayer.
​ Requirements/Rules:
No AFK unless a good reason
Respect other guild mates
Be positive
Sportsmanship and teamwork
Teach others/learn from others
BAND (The first guild in VG using BAND instead of LINE)
Know your roles and positioning
"We will win, if we want to win...we need to become more stronger, in order to become stronger we will need your strength...Come...and fight along side with us."
Hello! I'm interested. I'm a SEA player from Singapore. Current skill tier is Hotness Silver, with 732 wins. I'm finding it difficult to progress to higher skill tiers because I tend to do solo queue most o the time. Hence, I'm looking for a guild now. My IGN is DarylGan96.
Hey I'm from Penang in Malaysia I'm also in SEA server. I'm looking for a group to play with as you to become stronger we need each other's strength as in skilled player. I wish to apply to you guys please you won't regret it !!!
Current win: 197
Current Tier: 3 Silver (Thx to AFKs and trollers)
Playable Roles: Lane/Jungle/Roam
Im quite interested to join
Im so sick of solo queuing and afkers
My current skill tier is 4 silver
Check my signature for more info about me
IGN: AVFighter
Server: Southeast Asia
Mains: Vox, Ringo, Catherine
I can play: Taka, Glaive, Fortress and Krul fairly
Practicing: Koshka, and Skye
PS: I add all people and if you wanna team with me, PM me in VG
Skill Tier: 3-5 (due to flipping guys who ditch the match)
HI im interested in joining im from singapore
My current sill tier is 0 because for some reason I cannot ever find a ranked match
I have experience in mobas and i am a dota player, I have been playing vainglory for a month now
Heroes I can play well : vox Adajio
Heroes I cant play : rona skye
i can play all other heores decently, have around 100+ wins, can play all roles
Hey, I'd like to join.
Been playing solo since vainglory first came out and looking for a great team now as i've been unfortunately always mismatched with afk-ers or lower skilled players thus dropping my skill tier to a low 4. from a gold 6
Main heroes I play :
Am able to do both jungle / lane just can't seems to master support yet.
my IGN is = sika
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Server: Southeast Asia
I can play:
PS: I add all people and if you wanna team with me, PM me in VG
Skill Tier: 3-5 (due to flipping guys who ditch the match)
Some of my posts(go check 'em out)
Avoiding Ults:http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/forum/general-discussion/avoiding-those-ults-24938
*nothing to see beyond this point*
Notable (1)
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