Hey everyone! Update 2.4 is coming this week and it's bringing with it the new hero Baptiste, the soul-reaper, as well as the announcement of Double Glory weekends every weekend all update long. To learn more check out the official release below.
New Hero: Baptiste
Baptiste dictates battle by striking fear into the heart of his enemies. Reaping the souls of his opponents, he both sustains himself and empowers his attacks and abilities. He commands his army of shades to either lock down unsuspecting victims or terrorize entire teams, forcing them to flee from him. Read on for Baptiste's abilities ...
Hero Abilities
Reap (Heroic Perk)
Baptiste steals soul fragments through combat and is healed for each soul fragment acquired. Basic attacks and abilities generate soul fragments. Once Baptiste has collected four soul fragments he becomes empowered for four seconds, increasing the damage of his basic attacks and abilities. While empowered, Baptiste no longer generates additional soul fragments.
Bad Mojo (A)
Baptiste pulls a vial of liquid from his vest and throws it. The vial explodes upon reaching its target or when colliding with an enemy. Enemies near the explosion take damage and are slowed.
Ordained (B)
Baptiste ordains a target enemy, damaging them and creating an ethereal prison around them. If the ordained target leaves the area, they are stunned and take additional damage.
Fearsome Shade (Ultimate)
Baptiste summons waves of shade that terrorize enemies caught in their path. Enemies struck by the shade run from the source in fear and take damage each second.
New Hero Skins
'Elite Force' Saw (Rare)
No one has seen more combat than 'Elite Force' SAW. Will his skills be enough to save his buddies deep within the Halcyon Well? Read the exciting conclusion to the 'Elite Force' trilogy!
Blackfeather's past has been shrouded in mystery ... until now. Read on to discover more about 'Champion's Fate' Blackfeather - his flashiest look yet.
Blademaster's Daughter ringed sword
Black feather cape
Bursting black feather attacks
Winged dragon-head pauldrons
Bladed armor and black leather pants
Flashy violet and gold ability and attack effects
Tumbling, spinning, feather bursting Rose Offensive
You've waited long enough. 'Night Shadow' Taka is back with brand new special edition changes. Read on to discover how the escaped assassin came upon his blazing, molten metal blades!
Special edition change:Crimson Shadow Gythian armor
Power-cooled respirator mask and night-vision eyepiece
With all the amazing skins coming in Update 2.4, we wanted to make sure everyone knew how and when to get the skins that they want.
April 26 - Update 2.4 Release Day
The following skins will be available at the same time directly for ICE:
Elite Force SAW (Rare) 900 ICE
Red Lantern Flicker (Epic) 1299 ICE
Night Shadow Taka (Special Edition) and Champion's Fate Blackfeather (Legendary) will have normal drop chances from both the Rare and Epic Mystery chests.
April 29 - Taka & Blackfeather Chests
Starting on April 29, new Mystery chests featuring the Night Shadow Taka (Special Edition) and Champion's Fate Blackfeather (Legendary) skins will be introduced.
Champion's Fate Chests
Available for 1049 ICE from Saturday, April 29 at 5PM PDT until Wednesday, May 10 at 11:59AM PDT.
Unlocks a random skin with a 1-in-5 chance of unlocking the Champion's Fate Blackfeather skin!
Unlocks a random hero guaranteed.
ICE, Glory, Opals, Keys and Essence payouts are similar to the Epic Mystery Chest, so the 1 MILLION ICE jackpot can be won!
Champion's Fate Blackfeather will be available for direct ICE unlock on Wednesday, May 10 at 12PM PDT for 3599 ICE.
Night Shadow Chests
Available for 1099 ICE from Saturday, April 29 at 5PM PDT until Wednesday, May 17 at 11:59AM PDT.
Unlocks a random skin with a 1-in-5 chance of unlocking the Night Shadow Taka Special Edition skin!
Unlocks a random hero guaranteed.
ICE, Glory, Opals, Keys and Essence payouts are similar to the Epic Mystery Chest, so the 1 MILLION ICE jackpot can be won!
Night Shadow Taka's Special Edition skin will be available for Opals unlock on Wednesday, May 17 at 12PM PDT for 500 Opals.
Four Double Glory Weekends Are Coming!
Talents are coming soon, and we're excited to announce that players will be able to unlock and upgrade Talents at launch exclusively using Glory. This means playing matches and earning Glory is at the heart of Talents progression.
Get Ready With Double Glory Weekends!
We want you to have as much Glory as possible when Talents hits, so we're rolling out four Double Glory Weekends to stock up:
Friday, April 28 - Sunday, April 30
May 5-7
May 12-14
May 19-21
All Double Glory weekends start at 5PM PDT on Friday and run for 48 hours, expiring each Sunday at 4:59PM PDT.
What Are These 'Talents' You Speak Of?
Talents is a new progression system coming soon to Vainglory, which is exclusive to BRAWL game modes such as Blitz and Battle Royale. You'll be able to spend Glory to upgrade hero abilities, making them statistically better, more fun and often crazier. We're doing things we'd never do in the "Classic" mode of Vainglory - and the result (in internal playtests) is some of the most entertaining and extreme matches of Vainglory we've ever played.
We can't wait to get Talents into your hands ... but in the meantime, play as much as possible during Double Glory Weekends so that you're good to go when this big milestone hits.
Hero Balance Changes
Agent of Wrath "Enemies afflicted by Adagio's Arcane Fire were able to be taken down far too quickly. This small nudge should make carry Adagio less punishing. -Zekent"
- Arcane Fire Bonus down from 10-20-30-40-60 + 45% crystal power to 5-15-25-35-55 + 40% crystal power
Jump Jets "These changes are intended to make Baron's gameplay feel much smoother without changing his intended power spikes. -Zekent"
- The double attack after using this ability is now automatic upon acquiring a target
- Cooldown reduction per basic attack down from 15% to 12.5%
General "With the attack speed adjustments in Update 2.3, Blackfeather had a tough time applying his Heartthrob stacks to his foes. -Zekent"
- Attack speed up from 100-111% to 100-122%
Willow Whisper "These changes allow Flicker to more easily activate his perk and pressure his enemies. Be sure to pick up vision items when matched up against a Flicker! -Zekent"
- This perk will no longer time out while in brush
- Taking damage from lane minions no longer stops this perk
Mooncloak "Reducing some of the frustration tied to this ability where the initial startup of the stealth would often be unintentionally canceled by a basic attack or ability. -Zekent"
- This ability will now attempt to re-stealth heroes affected while its duration is active
- Charge time up from 1.0 to 1.2
Truth of the Tooth "With the recent buffs to Fortress' cooldowns, this ability was able to output far too much damage. -Zekent"
- Damage down from 40-80-120-160-240 to 20-60-100-140-220
Law of the Claw "Between the bleed stacks and the base damage of this ability, Fortress was able to contribute too easily in fights. This change should bring him back in line. -Zekent"
- Damage down from 100-150-200-250-300 to 70-115-160-205-250
Twirly Death "While Koshka is meant to be an early game powerhouse, she was a bit too overwhelming after picking up a few items. -Zekent"
- Empowered attack crystal ratio down from 140% to 120%
Principle Arcanum "Lyra's basic attacks were dealing a bit too much damage in the early game, forcing her opponents to play too passively. -Zekent"
- First Missile damage from 55-90 to 50-85
- Second Missile damage from 65-175 to 60-170
Divergent Paths "These changes should grant Idris a few more item options to more readily activate his perk in addition to granting his Crystal path more consistent damage. -Zekent"
- Both weapon and crystal paths threshold down from 125 to 120
- Crystal path basic attack crystal ratio up from 90% to 100%
General "Reim has upgraded his walking stick and can now hobble around even faster! -Zekent"
- Base movement speed up from 3.1 to 3.2
Into the Fray "Raging berserkers are best suited in the middle of fights. A small bump to Rona's cooldown should keep her in there much more easily. -Zekent"
- Cooldown down from 14-13-12-11-10 to 13-12-11-10-9
Spin Up "SAW's attack speed was hit too much in the previous update, this should help bring him back into the limelight. -Zekent"
- Attack speed per stack up from 15% to 18%
General "A bit more firepower for our favorite dragon should help him fare better in the early game. -Zekent"
- Raise base weapon from 74-148 to 80-154
Fan the Flames "Some dragons just want to see the world burn. -Zekent"
- Damage per second increased from 5 to 10
Item Changes
- Damage to heroes down from 20% to 15%
- Damage to non-heroes from 60-160 to 40-140
Stormguard Banner
- Damage to heroes down from 20% to 15%
- Damage to non-heroes from 30-80 to 20-70
Get ready to reap the souls of your enemies during the Double Glory weekends all May long. Baptiste and Update 2.4 arrive on April 26. Join us live from The Lair at 8AM PDT for the downtime stream on twitch.tv/vainglory * Source: Official Patch Notes
Boi stop nerfing my girl Lyra, although kind of warranted since her CP build hurt. The Fortress nerf makes sense. The Koshka nerf wasn't really needed, I don't see many people even playing her (and most of the people I see playing her don't know what they're doing). SAWbuff was kind of needed because he has been kind of underwhelming. Hopefully with the Skaarf buff he will at least be playable. I don't know why they didn't nerf Alpha though. I don't think that they needed to nerf Stormcrown, because now captains like Lyra take an even bigger hit on their usefulness.
Important Update: It wasn't mentioned in the notes, but I just found out upon talking to a dev. that Alpha's bug on her Core Charge has been fixed for patch 2.4.
Oh boi can't wait to stay up until 3:00 figuring out Baptiste's skills(I'm glad I got a head start on my guide, but there isn't even ratios yet so why do I bother). I guess I won't have to be on the lookout for lyras in my matches. But why the Stormguard nerfs? Supports are weak enough as it is and now this.
Pls gib Baptiste lore O great SugarVenom
Real footage of me hiding in a bush, waiting for the 1/13/2 Celeste. Circa(2017)
TFDeathRay now don't you wish you had access to the beta server? :)
The nerf to Stormcrown wasn't enough in my opinion. They either need to increase the price of it or reduce the CD on the thing. As an item Stormcrown just gives way too many good stats for it's price in game. It was being abused to much by heroes that aren't Captain / Roam. By nerfing it they made it more like how it should be: a utility item. Nerfing this will indirectly nerf Lyra, CP Taka, and Alpha.
I feel so sad after another nerf to Lyra.
However, it seems necessary and it makes sense because she still has an almost 100% win rate in NA and she is still so effective.
We still need to look out for her though, because she is still powerful.
The rest of the nerf/buffs make sense except Koshka.
Edit: Why put the nerf to stormcrown though?
CP junglers and carries like alpha, Taka will be affected.
Maybe this is their nerf to Alpha?
IGN: Blissey123 Hero mains: Lyra, Catherine, Koshka, Idris, Celeste, Kestrel, Flicker,Celeste Heroes that I am good at but I don't have: Joule Practicing: Kestrel, Celeste, Vox, Idris
Tier: Worthy Foe Silver
Best Heroes: Lyra, Catherine, Idris, Kestrel, Koshka, Vox, Celeste
Finally a 100% CP Ratio on Idris' basic attack. Really wanted that to happen :D
Though the Blackfeather buff may push Blackfeather from borderline OP to OP (imo he was quite strong last patch)
If you win, you live
If you lose, you die
If you don't fight, you can't win
A Taka on Kaiten XD
TFDeathRay now don't you wish you had access to the beta server? :)
The nerf to Stormcrown wasn't enough in my opinion. They either need to increase the price of it or reduce the CD on the thing. As an item Stormcrown just gives way too many good stats for it's price in game. It was being abused to much by heroes that aren't Captain / Roam. By nerfing it they made it more like how it should be: a utility item. Nerfing this will indirectly nerf Lyra, CP Taka, and Alpha.
You're right! I had completely forgotten about the junglers that rely on Stormcrown's damage for decent clear speeds. You see as soon as I saw Stormcrown being nerfed I instantly thought of Ardan because he's my main. I never thought of junglers like Taka and Alpha too much because I've played with a friend of mine, who mains jungle and he would almost never buy Stormcrown because he would be able to farm on people like Taka and Alpha swiftly. Then again Taka and Alpha don't really need much to deal decent damage to squishies.
Annnnd, what is this I hear about a BETA server, and how do I sign up!?!
Real footage of me hiding in a bush, waiting for the 1/13/2 Celeste. Circa(2017)
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Real footage of me hiding in a bush, waiting for the 1/13/2 Celeste. Circa(2017)
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Hero mains: Lyra, Catherine, Koshka, Idris, Celeste, Kestrel, Flicker,Celeste
Heroes that I am good at but I don't have: Joule
Practicing: Kestrel, Celeste, Vox, Idris
Tier: Worthy Foe Silver
Best Heroes: Lyra, Catherine, Idris, Kestrel, Koshka, Vox, Celeste
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If you lose, you die
If you don't fight, you can't win
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Real footage of me hiding in a bush, waiting for the 1/13/2 Celeste. Circa(2017)
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