I've played maybe 80 games after the new update came out, but I've never seen a single notification saying I've been honored (upvoted). I'm 99% sure that this isn't a coicidence, because I almost always get a positive K/D ratio, I don't ping spam, and don't autolock either. So, glitch or what?
I don't think it gives notifications on upvoting or down voting. I don't know where you would receive them if they were available so I doubt they are available to see.
Skill tier- usually floating around in simply amazing
Server- NA
I can play any position. Add me for a match!
it notifies you if you get honored but wont if you get dishonored and your devices notification has nothing to do with this its the games notifications in the game and your K/D/A ratio is not anything worth looking at yea its a good stat but it has no weight in determining good players i went 4/0/11 7creeps 4000-5000 gold with Ardan these stats say noob in many ways but if you were in the game i was the one who kept my team alive i never attacked a creep giving all to my jungler and laner this was a match that the opponents had no chance at winning cause i was able to keep the pressure on them so the K/D/A ratio does not have any indication on who is a good player
This post wAs ment for anther post about ping ???, oops.
I totally agree with awsome game play vs K/D/A can be two separate things.
I rarely use ?, eccept when a pedal, refuses to even look at the lane considering our Pedal, me Catherine (support) And Taka team, early game. That was one of my few down votes.
It seems like lately I have been seeing less trolls and more ? spam. What really gets me Is that
I will second guess my self if I am getting ?? pings. Hey culprits, I know what i,m doing, have a beer on me and chill out. Or I can just follow you around for a while and take you farm last hits. Or use you as a human shield. You don't need that gold anyway, 2v3 is fine wtth me, shut up and get out of the way butthead, LETS ROCK.
I know it's supposed to. Has any one actually got any notification from up or down votes ? I have not and have been playing since before the voting update.
I usually get honors and give them if my team was very cooperative and didn't ping spam. I occasionally honor enemies if they did well. I'm not sure what it does, though. I would assume if you down vote someone they might be stuck with other people who have been down voted a lot recently as well?
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