I think it's really because everyone just wants to be the hero with all the kills. But really though roam position is so important in leading the team. Sometimes i just get roamers who are terrible, refusing to take up any aggressive positions, so we constantly have no vision of the enemy, no initiation, really just waiting for them to initiate on us it's terrible. Even though roam is not glamorous, you can really see the roam shine when he plays well.
IGN: RxyDxy
Region: SEA
Current Rank: The Hotness (Silver)
Favourite Heroes: Koshka, Rona, Flicker, Alpha
Roam is a role that people should get some love roam try's to let there ally's safe while making the enemy easier to kill. It is really diffcult if your team are feeding and that's usually the reason why a lot of people don't roam because you have feeders and it's much more harder to carry
I love roam.assists dont do much but when I end games with 30+ assists and multiple kills, its awesome that I had an impact on a game and did all I could to help my team. Jungle and roam are bae. Lane can go die in a fire .-.
The Captain is not in charge. I hate that name, I wish it remained roam. It's the carry that really runs the game, the roamer can initiate fights, but not if your carry isn't ready. I listen to my carry and jungler hard core as a roamer, way more than I think they need to listen to me. I support them in what strategy they are trying to initiate, way more than I'm trying to initiate my own. THEY deal the damage, they know HOW they want to deal it, and I'm there to help.
You're mostly right, for team matchups, but this isn't how it plays out in SoloQ.
In terms of overall skill such as tracking enemy movement and likely/unlikely locations, awareness of revive timers, cooldowns, energy reserves, item-builds, these are generally skills that an experienced Roamer has a better grasp of than someone who has the same amount of game hours played but avoided the role at every opportunity.
Actually, there are many who play roam in the higher levels. However, I agree that this number is small in comparison to those who jungle/lane.
From another perspective, some roamers can be annoying as well. There are those who indicate themselves to be roaming, but instead steals every farm they can from me. On top of that, they build roaming items, but never use them.
It is true that roaming is boring sometimes tho
I'm tier 6 now and team plays are worse then tier 4
My team still doesn't know what a team is.
No one ever synergies or know how to follow up and they hesitate so much with no trust. Like Ringo players like they don't know they're (A) ability is a slow and it makes gank go from 10% to 100% gank able. They just wait for their roamer to go in and gank fails you'd think they'd learn by now it's so frustrating playing roam when you have a brain dead team. I only play roam because of all the selfish instalocks.
We have something in common, I'm tier for currently and have recently come back to the game,the problem is that I cant really ask my friends to play since they are much higher due to the head start. Iv'e been solo queing and it is increasingly fustrating because I always need to pick roam (I prefer Jungler) because of instalocking *******s and they turn out to be awful. If you want to add me IGN - Cynesta.
It's not a pragmatic, strategy-orientated critique I'm giving here but people also will have a preference for wanting the kills. To a degree full on games get boring at times, BLITZ HOWEVER xD is one action pack five minutes of kickass. Kills = more excitement. Hence why you feel like your taking one for the team when you choose support. Unless this is is all just me and I'll head back to the cave whenst I came 0.0
Well. I am a primary Support/Captain/Roam player.
I play mainly with Catherine. Though I am equally adept with all except Adagio (who I hardly think is a proper Support)
I extensively play Jungle also. Lane not much, but I am not so bad at that position.
People don't take Support because they probably don't get the happiness of Kills or doing tons of damage.
Personally for me, I love to lead a team to victory as much as I kill. So I always opt to play a Support when there are none to take that mantle.
If one widely divide the game into three categories and the position that gives the highest impact/changes the tide of game.
Early Game (<15) - Most Laners / Some Junglers
Mid Game (15-25) - Most Junglers/ Some Laners
Late Game (> 24) - Most Captains/ Some Junglers
I believe Support is the hardest role in the game, and should be played by a person who is very experienced and who knows every character and has a quick eye to learn the players game play and improvise tactics/ items watching the opposite team game play. And also who is constantly vigilantly monitoring the map.
I think it's the most under rated position.
I know of many people who get extremely high kills (20+) with Taka/Koshka but still lose the game because of lack of coordination and a good captain on the opposite team.
A good Lance/ Catharine / Flicker can Change games, that could be otherwise lost.
GAME makeup is key to "map management" and "visibility by flare or trap" and "management of farming"
Many people who claim Captain do not do this
simply a lack of explanation of "captain" item
I'm only tier 6 bronze and I know that every tier is usually different, but here's what goes on with me.
I find that usually no one wants to support because they feel that it is worthless to deal no damage and often get the feeling that your supporting isnt very effective. I'm also pretty sure that everyone thinks that roam is THE responsibility of the game. Now don't get me wrong, as a roam you hold the most responsibilities in the game. But you are not responsible for everything that happens. Most people don't want to take these responsibilities and they have even received bad impressions of these responsibilities from salty or toxic players. For instance, I recently wound up with a laner who made it clear he wanted nothing to do with roam. He then told me to pick ardan against an adagio and glaive (i dont know about you but i find them both to be good counters to ardan) and when we lost the match all he said was that ardan can work with anyone. We did a second match where i picked lyra to go against a glaive and ardan and he picked ringo. When we lost the match he said he was done (in caps lock) and then asked why there was no vision against their kestrel. He wouldnt listen to me explaining how their glaive and ardan combined countered all of my vision, and they both set down so many scout traps that i was finding at least 3 every time i popped a flare.
I don't think that I exactly played like a pro, but he made some lasting mistakes that affected the game. Some were:
1. He said ardan can go with anyone when he should have thought of who ardan can go up against.
2. He had a play style that obviously fully depended upon the support, indicating that he usually parties up with certain people. Nothing wrong with that except that he played how he usually plays without thinking of the different play style i have compared to his usual support.
3. In the second match he was obviously far more worried about what I was doing wrong (which wan't even much) rather than what he was doing wrong.
Most people never want to roam because they feel that its not "the fun position" since they are doing no damage and not getting any kills. These are mostly new players who think this and lets be honest, we were all like that at one time. Most roam mains today will tell you that they became a roam main after they were forced into roaming for a period of time, and soon came to like the position (the same was for me). Because a lot of people have been forced to practice roam, they understand what the roam needs to have an easier life and so try to make it easy for them (aka getting defense, playing safe, not engaging without vision, etc.). Most newer players absolutely refuse to play the position they dont want. I don't always want to roam but when i try to lane, a lot of the time one of my allies (who didnt pick and acted like he was gonna fill) sees me start to pick ringo lane and they instantaneously think "**** i feel like laning right now with ringo" so they snatch it the second they feel their position and hero threatened by your pick. They feel that because they picked first, anything you do (specifically just going double jungle or double lane probably because you got triggered by what they did) is the wrong and whatever they do is the right. I'm not saying it was right to double jungle (in fact, thats stupid) but they do this even if they are the real problem. Because a lot of people do this and never actually know what its like to roam, they dont have the faintest idea what it means to get no defense and expect your roam to still be able to protect you against koshka or rona.
All in all, more people need to at least try to roam. They dont even need to master roaming, just try it to see what it is like to roam for a glass cannon or a jungle who keeps engaging without vision. Everyone avoids roam because they dont want to take the responsibilities, they would rather have kills than assists, they dont want to take the time to learn any of the things required to roam, and they especially dont want to be the ones held responsible for anyone being killed because of their bad supporting.
These are just my thoughts, whether you agree or disagree with them, I feel like these are things that need to be taken seriously by both roam mains and jungle/carry mains.
IGN: Prodigy955
Server: NA
Role: Roam
Main: Ardan
Improvement comes from learning from your mistakes and fixing them, not just pointing them out.
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Region: SEA
Current Rank: The Hotness (Silver)
Favourite Heroes: Koshka, Rona, Flicker, Alpha
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Server: NA
Role: Roam
Main: Ardan
Improvement comes from learning from your mistakes and fixing them, not just pointing them out.
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