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Vainglory Language Help Please

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Faiben » February 2, 2015 6:33am | Report
Hey Community,

I am relatively new to the "fold". (about a month and a half) I fell in love with the game and have managed to level up to Karma level 14. I am trying to become a better team player and have tried to learn all I can about the game. However, I need some help with some language used in the game. If someone would answer some simple questions for me that would be great! Here are a list of words I need assistance with:


Responses welcome!
"Now that I've got your attention....."

IGN: Faiben
Region: NA
Main: Saw and Krul
Also good with: Koshka
Skill tier- Not Bad
Karma level: 16

Posts: 4
Quote | PM | +Rep by DoudJr » February 2, 2015 8:42am | Report
AFK - A player who stops playing during a game. AFK literraly means Away From Keyboard, meaning that a players is doing someting else. AFK's are the MOBA's (a MOBA is this kind of game where players face each others in arenas, like League of Legends or Dota 2) worst nightmare since every match usually last 20 minutes, and when a player stop playing, his team loses most of the time. If you have 3 games with 3 AFK, you just lost at least 45 minutes for nothing, which is a lot of time wasted.

To Kite - Kiting is related to stutter stepping. I'll start with stutter stepping

Stutter Stepping - It is when you start attacking a enemy and move between each attack you make. A player like me who imply click on enemy to attack him, because the game will automatically make you follow him. But those who stutter step, move by themselves between each attack. They click on the enemy, attack him once, click on somewhere to move (mostly to get closer to the enemy), ckick the enemy to attack him, etc... It's used by ranged heroes such as Ringo, Adagio, SAW or Petal.
Stutter stepping is also related to the fact that you need to cancel your post attack frames, but if you want to here about that precisely (and I advise you to, go Here. It's a guide made by one Vainglory's developpers, but for League of Legends and not Vainglory. But it's the same thing in Vainglory, don't worry)

To Kite - Kiting is when you chase someone thanks to the stutter stepping. It's different from an usual chase because Kititng will make you go as fast as the personn you chase while your attacking him. It's different because in a normal chase your attacks should slow you down and prevent you from chasing him too far

Squishy - We call "Squishy" every character that doesn't have a lot health from their basic statistics. Koshka, Petal, Taka and Skaarf are the squishy characters of this game.
For exapmle, Skaarf has 632 basic health point at level 1 (+65 hp per level) when Glaive has 814 health points at level 1 (+112 hp per level). Glaive will be more of a tanky character (character which can take a serious beating) while Skaarf will be a squishy charcter (character which can't take a beating at all)

Vision - I would say that vision is realted to map awareness. Vision is simply the fact of being able to know where the enemy team is at every time of the game, or being able to watch important objectives such as the Kraken or the Gold Miner from far away. 2 items makes you gain vision : the Flare Gun and the Scout Trap. The Flare Gun will let you see where is every enemy player on the map for a short period of time (2 or 3 seconds), when the Scout Trap will let you see every enemy player which comes near it. Mines are mostly placed inside bushes and behind the Gold Miner/Kraken. Why ? Because as you may know, when an enemy player is inside a bush, you can't see him. Bush grants invisibility until someone comes inside that bush. Well, if you place a mine inside a bush and the enemy inside the bush doesn't detonate it, you will be able to see him as long as the mine remains. He won't know you're able to see him because he won't know the mine is here until he detonates it by walking over it. Mines can also grant you vision over the Kraken and the Gold Minner if you place one behind them. If you want more info about the strategic points to place mines, watch this video that explains it very well.
So, vision is when you're able to see where the enemies are, what they do, when they want to ambush you, when they're trying to take the Gold Mine or the Kraken, etc... It grants you some map awareness.

Burst - Burst damage is huge damage dealt in a very short period of time or with only a few attacks.
The burst damage heroes are the 2 assassins Koshka and Taka. They do not have a lot of health, but they are able to do a whole lot of damage in a very short period of time (2-4 seconds). That's why they are called the Hit and Run heroes. Let's take Taka for example.
His passive is House Kamuha which grants him a critical every 5 seconds maximum. His first ability is Kaiten and his ultimate ability is X-Retsu. Taka players always have the same combo when they try to kill someone :
1- X-Retsu : it deals 730 damage in about a second at level 12 whith 3 points in it.
2- Because of their garanted critical strike ( House Kamuha, they usually land a basic attack that will for sure be critical and hurt you like a truck.
3- Kaiten : Dealing 430 damage in 1 second.
That is burst damage, because when they have landed this combo, most of the time you have lost half your health. But they won't be able to do it again for 20 seconds.
The burst damagage item is Tension Bow, which let you deal 180 damage every 6 seconds, but doesn't give good other stats. You deal 180 every 6 seconds, but you woin't be able to fight for long. You'll have to hit, wait 6 seconds, hit, wait 6 seconds, etc...

I hope this helped you, tell me if I didn't explain well (being French, I can't be sure that my english is correct and may have done some errors). Do not hesitate to ask if you can't understand other words, I'll be glad to help
IGN : DoudJr
Region: EU
Main: SAW, Catherine
Practicing: Adagio, Petal
Skill Tier : Simply Amazing

Notable (16)
Posts: 103
Quote | PM | +Rep by Faiben » February 23, 2015 6:04am | Report
Hey Thanks so much for the thorough response. I am not on this forum often so I just got your reply. This helps me a great deal!

Also, dont be put off if you see my post today in "general discussions". I asked the same question because I thought no one responded to this post. Its just that I posted today before checking my account to see that you had already replied.

Thanks again,
"Now that I've got your attention....."

IGN: Faiben
Region: NA
Main: Saw and Krul
Also good with: Koshka
Skill tier- Not Bad
Karma level: 16

Posts: 4
Quote | PM | +Rep by Horus_TheDragon » February 23, 2015 6:17am | Report
An add to these, what does it mean that certain hero is OP?
IG: Horus_TheDragon
Region: NA
Main: Saw, Krul, Ardan
Practicing: Taka, Glaive, Koshka
Skill Tier: Not Bad
Wins: 560

Death is upon you..

Posts: 18
Quote | PM | +Rep by Cwallace000 » February 23, 2015 6:40am | Report

An add to these, what does it mean that certain hero is OP?

and WP is weapon power and CP is crystal power if you were wondering about that
IGN: cwallace000
Lvl: 20
Rank: decent-ish
Wins: 219
Main character(lane): Ringo
Main character(jungle): Ardan
Alt characters(jungle): Koshka, Krul, Taka, Catherine, and Joule
Alt characters(lane): Petal
practicing: Adagio, and Glaive

Notable (3)
Posts: 137
Quote | PM | +Rep by Cwallace000 » February 23, 2015 6:43am | Report
DoudJr wrote:

Squishy - We call "Squishy" every character that doesn't have a lot health from their basic statistics. Koshka, Petal, Taka and Skaarf are the squishy characters of this game.
For exapmle, Skaarf has 632 basic health point at level 1 (+65 hp per level) when Glaive has 814 health points at level 1 (+112 hp per level). Glaive will be more of a tanky character (character which can take a serious beating) while Skaarf will be a squishy charcter (character which can't take a beating at all)

you forgot about Krul,and Ringo these guys are very squishy as well and Glaive isnt the only tanky guy Ardan, and Catherine are the other tankies
IGN: cwallace000
Lvl: 20
Rank: decent-ish
Wins: 219
Main character(lane): Ringo
Main character(jungle): Ardan
Alt characters(jungle): Koshka, Krul, Taka, Catherine, and Joule
Alt characters(lane): Petal
practicing: Adagio, and Glaive

Notable (3)
Posts: 137
Quote | PM | +Rep by FUHRER1933 » June 29, 2017 11:42am | Report
What does "overpowered" mean?

Posts: 1
Quote | PM | +Rep by TFDeathRay » June 29, 2017 12:35pm | Report
FUHRER1933 wrote:

What does "overpowered" mean?

Overpowered is used to describe a hero that is too in meta. A hero with little to no counters, extremely strong in a certain part of a game or doesn't seem to fall off at any point in the game, or has amazing synergy with a certain other hero or item. Basically a hero that is super strong in the current update, up to the point that they are banned almost every game.

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Quote | PM | +Rep by BLG3RNT » June 30, 2017 10:34am | Report
Cwallace000 wrote:

you forgot about Krul,and Ringo these guys are very squishy as well and Glaive isnt the only tanky guy Ardan, and Catherine are the other tankies

Region: NA
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Quote | PM | +Rep by BossBoy » July 1, 2017 6:50pm | Report
Cwallace000 wrote:

you forgot about Krul,and Ringo these guys are very squishy as well and Glaive isnt the only tanky guy Ardan, and Catherine are the other tankies

Krul actually quite tanky because of his life steal and can sustain throughout the fight
IGN: Thangproz
Server: SEA
Main: Jungle(90%),Carry(10%), Roam (practicing in casual)

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Posts: 152

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