Hi guys! Im new here on forum and im looking for good mates cos when i play taka sometimes i feel so frustrated that i want to smash my ipad. Here are the proofs
Btw I use to play jungle with taka, cath, ardan, joule and lane with skaarf, ringo, saw but im better in the jungle
Thank u guys! I will add you! If u want to be good with taka first start with tension bow cos taka cant hang long battles and after an ability then u have another great hit, then built clockwork and after use ability and the critical tension bow hit just disapear and wait the countdown to hit again. This is the main thing
After that if the enemy is building shield buy broken myth or if not shaterglass. Then u can start building defence acording if the main enemys are using cristal or weapon builds. I dont use to buy travel boots before i have built my defence.
why do people still use Taka? aren't they sick of losing all the time?
lol nahh it's hella fun learning to adapt Taka to various team builds, I'm currently experimenting with a full crystal build and a crucible so when I hop in to support I can X-Retsu the biggest threat/the enemy with the lowest health, hit crucible for reflex block, Kaiten another enemy, then run into the bushes and Kaken to another vantage point and hope my Clockwork is fast enough to X-Retsu the next big threat, since Aftershock and Shatterglass boosts X-Retsu and Kaiten significantly and Kaiten doesn't even suck up mana. a supportive assassin seems to work better than just an assassin, considering once I have travel boots I can move quickly enough to help both teammates at once wherever they are on the map. this also means I'm extremely vulnerable since I'm supposed to be a fast-moving assist like a laser-guided missile but when I'm caught with no support hoo boy I go down fast.
it's difficult but nothing's more fun than adapting a challenging hero. I haven't lost a game in a while, though that's probably more of my teammates' being amazing gods, tolerating a Taka and adapting themselves when they realize what I'm trying to do (building up a Blazing Salvo makes them think I'm going WP so its a massive surprise when I'm full CP by the late mid-game to endgame).
actually I'm thinking of asking others what they think of switching the crucible for a lifespring since I don't need the extra health as much as I'd like to be able to run to a dying teammate and heal the heck out of him but I don't have space for both reflex block and life spring. what do you think?
keep in mind I aim to be in and out, I'm not a sustaining support so I can't stay in a fight longer than the time it takes X-Retsu to cool down, so when I'm in I'm there to maximize surprise burst damage and nothing else and hightail it out of there when my skills are on cooldown. would it be more effective to pop a reflex block or to hit lifespring?
main: Taka (you can call me Taka-hero hehe)
pretty good with: Krul
needs work on: anything not a Jungle hero
saving up for: Krul (maybe Celeste if I like playing her enough)
skill tier: Decent-ish
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pretty good with: Krul
needs work on: anything not a Jungle hero
saving up for: Krul (maybe Celeste if I like playing her enough)
skill tier: Decent-ish
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