Is it just me or does every time I play with someone using catherine, I mostly to always lose?
I understand not going positive since I usually support as Ardan, but I haven't seen a situation where she has proved to be that useful on my team.
that's crazy at your tier
she's arguably the best support char
maybe it's just bad luck?
I have the same problem teaming with Taka...
perhaps has to do with the way he needs to be played in order to be effective.
We always win if enemy team has him, and lose if he's on my team.
So perhaps your play style does not mend well with Cathrine... but then again
she's so versatile it's difficult to imagine :S
If you're maining Ardan and teaming up with Catherine, it could be an issue of lacking enough firepower to down the enemy. That two-protectors combo is only useful if the third hero is a bruiser, like SAW, Adagio or even Celeste. And it's still quite a feat if you're facing a well-organized team, as I suppose you would at your tier.
IGN: Aquiday
Main(s): Ardan, Koshka
Secondary: Catherine
Region: South America
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Tier: The Hotness
Personally, I believe Catherine is no longer viable at high skill tiers. She's ok from decent ish to hotness, but after that, Heros like Adagio, or koshka can better play support/tank roles along with being able to dish out decent damage.
Give her a Tension Bow and her Merciless Pursuit can deal some real damage, even while being tanky for the rest of her build. You'll still need your teammates to be the main damage dealers, but it can really help with initiating ganks.
IGN: wolf_hands
NA Regional Community Manager for SEMC
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Personally, I believe Catherine is no longer viable at high skill tiers. She's ok from decent ish to hotness, but after that, Heros like Adagio, or koshka can better play support/tank roles along with being able to dish out decent damage.
i did not just hear you say " Koshka" would be a tank Koshka is nothing close to a tank
It'll depend on how your opponents are building and how that player likes to play. Crucible is almost always a must used because it grants so much additional health and give you that Relfex Block. warhorn is also a great item for Koshka.
IGN: wolf_hands
NA Regional Community Manager for SEMC
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Main(s): Ardan, Koshka
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