I just played with this Skye and Adagio. The Adagio player indicated he was going support role. Alright. Then, I saw his build midway through the game. He had 1 fountain, 1 stormguard, tier 3 boots, shatterglass and alternating current. To you I say sir, BRAVO. Thank you for being the best SUPPORT I HAVE EVER PLAYED WITH.
It's funny because he just heals himself, then ults, then does nothing because the opponent's support was actually doing their job and blocking all the stuns. Lucky enemy team. Anyways, I added him later on to express all the kind words I have to say ;) I found out he was SA BRONZE. Still can't believe there are still noobs in SA that don't know how to support. Bravo to you sir, J_Ra_o_. Bravo.
P.S. If you are reading this right now, let em ask you: have you ever heard of scout traps, flares, or atleast using your fountain of renewal to heal someone instead of yourself? You are the most selfish support I have ever played with :) Btw, I think someone else played with your account to make it SA. SHAME ON YOU. :)
Just curious, what hero were you playing? I play Adagio fairly often, and I could kind of understand his thinking in that build. Don't get me wrong, I feel that vision is crucial, but his other items could be how he plays support generally.
There were probably many factors going into it, and possibly even that he doesn't main support originally.
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I would agree if with his build if he dropped the alternating current because that is kind of selfish. If I play support adagio which Imo is much better then cp or WP adagio. I would get support as usual and have one damage item, Shatterglass for the heal of my team mates and the damage buff or broken myth to pierce for my team mates and deal a tonne of damage on the ultimate along with nice heal and damage buff.
I don't think the build was the problem, as uncrudable said, the shatterglass buffs Adagio's heal. The problem was that he was being selfish and healing himself. I personally have a build quite similiar to that, but I will always heal my teammates over me. As for the alternating current, Adagio's agent of wrath does an additional 20% damage if you use it one yourself, and AC makes your do a **** ton of damage with it. Overall, i'm saying it was mostly the players fault, and slightly the builds fault.
IGN: FireWolf250 Laners: CP Skaarf, CP Phinn, CP Adagio Junglers: None Supporters/Roamers: CP Adagio, CP Shatterglass Phinn
You think I have to much CP!? That's what AC is for!
"Everyone has multiple personality disorder, its called having emotions." -Anonymus
Yeah, but there is also strategic benefit to healing yourself than an ally, the slow can prevent an enemy from catching a fleeing ally who would normally be killed, even with the heal
Alternating current isn't a good idea. It doesn't matter how much damage it does it's a selfish item considering your playing support you should only really have one damage item and focus more on utility items and what's the point of wasting 2k+ gold on a item for your own self damage if it'll fall off anyway because someone will build shield.
IGN: FireWolf250 Laners: CP Skaarf, CP Phinn, CP Adagio Junglers: None Supporters/Roamers: CP Adagio, CP Shatterglass Phinn
You think I have to much CP!? That's what AC is for!
"Everyone has multiple personality disorder, its called having emotions." -Anonymus
Does matter it makes you play as a selfish support and sacrifices big supportive items which can lose you the game.
A) You can lose the General tankyness a support needs making one fountain irrelevant if you can't stay alive long enough or have enough tanky ness you can get targeted as your basically a carry anyway.
B) You scarifice the utility of a hugely good item. Which could be Shiversteel atlas or crucible depending on which you just gave away for a ****py useless AC which damage will fall off anyway because you get Shatterglass and not broken myth for the supporting.
Ditch the AC and SG, you can replace with a BM. It's enough damage and you don't need to sacrifice vital support items to that degree. Plus you'll also pierce even more shield for your cp carry. Getting BM over shattglass is a much better decision for the late game because once the enemy gets that shield late game and you have AC and SG, you'll be a squishy no damage carry waiting to be killed and if you think his ult still makes a difference with that stun it really doesn't considering the long wide up and crucible blocking possibilities.
If you don't care about damage and your more about healing team mates and buffing them then Shatterglass can work but ditch the AC and do remember broken myth can do all this with a little less heal and buff in return for stacks.
As I said before, Adagio's b-slot adds WEAPON power onto the player you use it on, so BM does NOTHING for Adagio; his heal only does marginal fire damage, and his second ability doesn't do crystal. His ult does do crystal, but that ability is **** in so many scenarios.
IGN: FireWolf250 Laners: CP Skaarf, CP Phinn, CP Adagio Junglers: None Supporters/Roamers: CP Adagio, CP Shatterglass Phinn
You think I have to much CP!? That's what AC is for!
"Everyone has multiple personality disorder, its called having emotions." -Anonymus
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You think I have to much CP!? That's what AC is for!
"Everyone has multiple personality disorder, its called having emotions." -Anonymus
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You think I have to much CP!? That's what AC is for!
"Everyone has multiple personality disorder, its called having emotions." -Anonymus
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You think I have to much CP!? That's what AC is for!
"Everyone has multiple personality disorder, its called having emotions." -Anonymus
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