That would help a lot, I just played a match and one of my team mates ([comment edited by mod - no player shaming!]) using Kathy had a score of 0-13. The whole time he just ran down the lane straight to the other teams base
It wouldn't help at all because the constant stream of new players into the lower end of skill tiers would simply cause a lot of reports to be filed. Reports would decline in overall meaning and become valueless.
Problems like these are best sidestepped by playing through matches and gradually ranking up to the point where these are rare cases for most players.
so I am in the hospital with bone cancer and I decide to cheer myself up by playing VG. Only to have a team troller on my team go 0-13-0. Seriously why do we not have a way to report these people. They effectively ruin the game just as bad as an AFKer. I love this game because it almost always cheers me up. Please can we fix this problem.
so I am in the hospital with bone cancer and I decide to cheer myself up by playing VG. Only to have a team troller on my team go 0-13-0. Seriously why do we not have a way to report these people. They effectively ruin the game just as bad as an AFKer. I love this game because it almost always cheers me up. Please can we fix this problem.
That has to be thee most depressing analogy I've read for a long time.
To make the 'report' thing work, I have an idea. How about we post it in the forums with the person's GamerTag and a screenshot to act as evidence.
You can't post people's IGN in the forums. It's against the rules and a administrator(usually happens to be Mowen) will edit the comment so it doesn't have the IGN in it, because that counts as player shaming.
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