What are some of the best team combinations you guys have seen? So far, the best I've ever faced was WP Adagio, defense Ardan, CP/def Catherine. They literally mopped the floor with my team. There was too much CC to get to Adagio, and we couldn't burst either tank down before Adagio would rip us apart. They had spectacular coordination, no denying that, but the hero combination just seemed to mesh really well.
WP Glaive, Catherine, and any strong late game carry (especially Ringo or Petal).
Catherine is essential for any team comp to be competitive; her stun and tanky stats (esp, base shield) make her the best protector IMO (I'll admit that Glaive is pretty good too). Catherine is so good that there isn't any part of the game (early, mid, late) that she doesn't shine in.
WP Glaive has some serious DPS late game if played correctly, but is horrendously weak early game and can be killed by ranged heroes and assassins (like Koshka) very easily. Cath protects Glaive really well in the jungle early on to ensure he's a powerhouse in the late game.
Petal is one of the best ranged heroes and has always been even after the BP nerf. Her range, the best in the game, is utilized well in teamfights and let's her help out the jungle. Compare SAW, a lane monster, who is normally not as good in teamfights (too weak to stuns and debuffs). Ringo is a really nice carry to have late game because he dishes out initial damage very well.
Overall, this team comp has 2 stuns (Glaive's A and Catherine's A), one of which is very reliable (Cath). This makes for great peel for a squishy carry (Ringo or Petal) and hard CC is a gamechanger in teamfights and chases. The dps from Petal/Ringo combined with Glaive's dps allows this team to deal serious damage and quickly.
Yeah Cath and Petal even duo incredibly well early game. I love playing Petal...but I face good Catherines a lot more than I get teamed with them. One of those oddities of random queue.
Glaive is powerful, but at poa+ you won't be seeing many because he sucks at early game and you will be harassed by team, preventing him to properly farm, making him useless through mid game. At poa + most teams go with Petal/Ada/Cath or Petal/Saw/Cath. And most go crystal saw to counter BP builds.
I agree with the topic creator that Ardan, Catherine, and Adagio makes up the best team comp. Adagio's damage output is absolutely ridiculous, and combined with Crowd Control from Ardan and Catherine, he becomes an untouchable carry mid-late game.
Also, this might sound crazy, but Ringo Petal Skaarf is an AMAZING team comp when played correctly. I was in a team which consisted of Catherine, taka, and me as Adagio. The enemy team consisted of Ringo, Petal, and Skaarf. They mostly traveled in the jungle as a team, and just completely MOWED our team down. The damage output was ridiculous. We probably could have won if we had someone other than Taka and our Catherine was better, but man. I was still amazed of how well a triple-ranged team comp performed
NA Player who mains Adagio/sides Glaive, Ringo, and Catherine Currently in The Hotness
Hard to take WP SAW seriously when compared to CP Saw's burst. The same for CP adagio, WP Adagio is simply too good.
2 tanks on a team are going to lose to another team that has two damage dealers and 1 tank/support. Situational obviously, but a team with two tanks is missing out on a whole chunk of damage.
lol I don;t know the level at which you play, but you won't be seeing me nor most players at poa+. Obviously Glaive has his shortfalls and you speak the truth, but at higher level, he can be very effective as a tanky assist type.
Glaive and Catherine can absolutely own the jungle and when they come out of the bushes to ambush a laner, with two stuns there is no way the laner can escape. Its deadly early game and in the late game, Glaives damage output is insane, a few crits and his ultimate and most every hero is nearly toast. It's an area of effect hit too so he often will hurt several heroes. Any good laner combined with those two can wreck most any public match. Personally I'd say Adagio complements them best though, aoe stuns and crazy damage combined with those two ends team fights.
If I'd be taking Glaive to a team, I'd prefer going Ardan/Glaive/Petal or Ardan/Glaive/Adagio. I main Cath atm and going Glaive/support + tank just doesn't cut it. Moreover if you're up against Skaarf with half a brain, you will have a pretty nightmarish experience early game, almost an inevitable loss.
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