I agree that Krul is really powerful. However, he can easily be shut down with some good coordination. Simply have a very aggressive play style, and not let him level up. Early game, he is weak, so if you don't let him get his levels quickly, he will be no threat.
Krul needs a nerf but just a liittle, his not too op though just counter his build with tank... Krul has no match against a tank, tried it and krul was focusing me so much that he didnt realize koshka was killing him fast lol
IGN: GodlyAssault Region: South East Asia Main Hero: Catherine/Koshka/Adagio Skill Tier: Decent-ish Karma Level: 3 Wins: 10
Krul needs a nerf but just a liittle, his not too op though just counter his build with tank... Krul has no match against a tank, tried it and krul was focusing me so much that he didnt realize koshka was killing him fast lol
The problem is that a good krul wil always focus the squishiest target. And he can kill squishy characters just as fast as an assassin. I think that dmr soulld be nerfed. It deals immense damage and Krul doesn't care about turrets at all because of the health barrier. He can kill most laners very easily, even when those laners ar next to their turrets. Krul's burst damage should be increased. I think with a little nerf he will be balanced again.
Right now there is only 1 competitive team comp in meta: Ringo Koshka Ardan.
Some of them should be nerfed first probably to make other comps viable, and then you can see if any other comp is op.
None of the heroes are op themselves.
Just build Aegis if you play vs Krul and don't forget to kite. If you kite krul in team fight - none of you do damage. If Krul switches from target to target - he doesn't deal a lot of damage, so you probably can do more or same damage with another hero.
Koshka can dive under towers much better and because of move speed she can escape. While Krul's dive is usually suicide, so it doesn't matter.
You know screw it i agree Krul is a little too op lol played a tank against him again i get stunned by his sword and he hits me with basic attacks and when he is low on health he uses skill A, to gain a health barrier and if the health barrier is gone and boom spectral smite....
IGN: GodlyAssault Region: South East Asia Main Hero: Catherine/Koshka/Adagio Skill Tier: Decent-ish Karma Level: 3 Wins: 10
Fully agree that Krul needs to be tweaked. I've gone into plenty of fights with Kruls in which yes, I killed him, but that was at the expense of kiting him halfway across the jungle/lane and being extremely careful about my HP, all while ensuring that I wasn't getting ganked by the other two of his teammates. I play Koshka and I can't even begin to count the number of times I've taken Krul down to critical HP, only for him to leech all of it right back. It makes sense for Krul to be extremely hardy because he's supposed to be the best at PVPs, but it isn't right when:
1. He's that tanky
2. A couple of hits from him takes off a third to half my HP, leaving me wide open for his teammates to finish off
3. While doing all of that he happily regenerates.
To illustrate my point, have any of you seen two similarly balanced Kruls go at it? They could do nothing but hit each other all day long and neither would kill the other. Something's not right there. In situations like this it should become a race condition in which player skill (and some amount of luck e.g. who hits first, makes a difference), but it shouldn't be a deadlock.
IGN: Astrianna (NA) Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze Karma Level: 20 Best Heroes: Vox, Taka, Fortress Training Heroes: Celeste, Rona
"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
There are situations where Krul is strong and situations where he is weak.
Same thing you don't attack Catherine when she has bubble up, or you don't attack Ardan with lots of weak hits.
Point is Krul is very strong vs noobs - players who can only do straightforward attacks, but he downgrades significantly vs more sophisticated players.
Krul is limited by the fact he can attack only one hero at a time. Just as his hero profile suggests, he dominates 1v1 play. He is also limited, IMHO, by his current crystal oriented abilities. He can be easily countered by watching his build in the "Score" tab. Just pressure him and limit his jungling till he gets Aftershock, then take him down with teamwork after that. Make sure you, or your tank, is building Aegis or Lifespring (to counter crystal build) and he becomes very ineffective. Do not build high HP items like Crucible since this only becomes food for a HP stealing Krul. If Krul can't get a huge HP boost off of his Aftershock, due to the anti-crystal build of your team, he can't regenerate as much HP during long fights. Countering Krul is very similar to countering a crystal built Koshka. YOU MUST COUNTER-BUILD!
Something people seem to be missing, at least in some of the games I solo-q, is that a crystal built Krul is often the tank on the team. I've seen my teammates focus all their firepower on him in group fights only to watch his health regenerate all the way back up, meanwhile his supporting heroes are blasting away at you easily getting an "Ace". ALWAYS focus on the squishier enemies first and then attack a tanky, crystal Krul.
[*] IGN - FederalMafia (NA)
"When I'm in command, every mission is a suicide mission."
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Region: South East Asia
Main Hero: Catherine/Koshka/Adagio
Skill Tier: Decent-ish
Karma Level: 3
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Notable (5)
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Notable (1)
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Region: South East Asia
Main Hero: Catherine/Koshka/Adagio
Skill Tier: Decent-ish
Karma Level: 3
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Posts: 97
Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze
Karma Level: 20
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"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
Notable (6)
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Notable (1)
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"When I'm in command, every mission is a suicide mission."
Notable (7)
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Karma level: 4
Wins: 7
Skill tier: 3-Getting There-Gold
Main character: Krul
Secondary: None
Practicing: Koshka, SAW, Adagio
Posts: 1