Soon after the Know your Role Contest in February, I've seen many of the Guide Creators suddenly become very active on the Forums. I know that Dash's Intention in starting this contest was to bring the community together to write guides, but after the contest has passed, only a little has changed, because the website does not provide enough platforms for collaboration.
I think what VGF needs is the ability to allow Users to work together on the same guide. I've been wanting to work with some of the Contest Winners for a while now, but I can't think of any other way than to create a new account and share passwords. But what if more people were to be included in a single project? Would we have to share an account with 10 other people? And I'm sure all sorts of bugs would be present when the same User is doing 10 different things and making multiple edits to the same page.
This is why I've come up to suggest a new Feature for the VGF Website, which is a icon which allows a Guide writer to enable Editing for specific Users on the VGF Forums. This will allow for something which I've wanted to do for a long time, which is a constantly updated guide for every Build of every Hero in Vainglory, which would be run by about 5-10 people, so that updates which include buffs and nerfs to certain heroes will always be taken into consideration and have guides with those changed heroes be altered to suit the current Meta.
When I was younger, around the age of 13, I first began coding websites. I know many talented and creative VGF Users have a wide array of brilliant ideas, but lack the skillset to display them. I hope that this feature gets added to the VaingloryFire Guide Forums, and if it does, I'm always looking for someone to collaborate with :)
Please Bump for Senpai Dash. Thank You.
Hello Everyone! I am Radiance, the Creator of 3 Essential Adagio Builds, which is the Highest rated Adagio guide on the Forums. I am also an Experienced Website Coder, and theorycraft enthusiast. I enjoy learning about the lore and story behind every game and every character. I like to find meaning in things that mean little to anyone, and uncover the secrets in Vainglory's tiniest of Details. I am a ROAM Main, and I play different genres of games, including sandbox, fps, and other MOBAS.
Collab guides sound amazing! It's like having an editor to fix all of the mistakes on your guide or pooling your ideas together. You can combine strengths such as coding and gaming experience! Also, having multiple accounts is against the rules so that squashes that idea.
IGN: MaximusPrime
Region: NA
Rank: Vainglorious Bronze(until soloq makes me drop)
Mains: Kinetic, Malene, Ardan "Good warriors fight hard, but great warriors fight smart" -MaximusPrime
Hello Everyone! I am Radiance, the Creator of 3 Essential Adagio Builds, which is the Highest rated Adagio guide on the Forums. I am also an Experienced Website Coder, and theorycraft enthusiast. I enjoy learning about the lore and story behind every game and every character. I like to find meaning in things that mean little to anyone, and uncover the secrets in Vainglory's tiniest of Details. I am a ROAM Main, and I play different genres of games, including sandbox, fps, and other MOBAS.
Let me see if this is at all possible on the dev side. If it is possible I'm not sure how long it would take to implement this on the site but I'll keep you guys notified :)
Let me see if this is at all possible on the dev side. If it is possible I'm not sure how long it would take to implement this on the site but I'll keep you guys notified :)
So this has been something discussed on our various other sites (MOBAFire, HeroesFire, SMITEFire, etc.) Our dev's are looking into implementing something like this but it's a big undertaking and will take some time. So in the meantime I suggest using Google Docs, or creating a shared account that you have access to.
When the feature is ready to be released you'll be the first to know.
So this has been something discussed on our various other sites (MOBAFire, HeroesFire, SMITEFire, etc.) Our dev's are looking into implementing something like this but it's a big undertaking and will take some time. So in the meantime I suggest using Google Docs, or creating a shared account that you have access to.
When the feature is ready to be released you'll be the first to know.
Lmao Google Docs XD
Idk why but I do find that amusing.
But thanks for the update! We'll wait a year if we have to.
Also, I thought it was against the rules to have multiple accounts, so can we really create a shared account?
VaingloryFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite VG hero’s build and strategy.
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"Good warriors fight hard, but great warriors fight smart" -MaximusPrime
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