I'm sure joule is probably upset that he is left out of this conversation, but I hate playing with teammates that use Taka. I have played him a dozen times myself and was very disappointed with him. I used him on a guest account so the it was easy it dominate, but I rarely find decent Taka players in the hotness tier.
He is easy to counter with flares and armor, lacks the ability to stay in any kind of long fight and is extremely squishy. I am repeatedly getting to late game fights and the enemy will throw up shields, kill Taka in about 5 seconds and now it's 2v3.
He is completely gold dependent and worthless before lvl 6. I hate Taka and almost all of my losses come from games with Taka.
My guess sis that most players have a game or two where their carry dominates or it's 2v1 in the jungle with oblivious enemy laners, where taka racks up amazing stat lines, and then they use that to justify the next 5 games where they screw their teammates by not contributing enough firepower for a player that dies in 5 seconds.
The one thing Taka does we'll is gank in the lane (IMO) which is great for mid game (when he is lvl 6-10ish) but then he becomes a liability in every team fight causing a lot of 2v3 fights
You're not wrong. I agree with pretty much everything you said. That's why I don't use him much anymore. The longer the game drags on the weaker he gets. If you're going to be successful with him you really have to level to 6 quick and then bully the enemy for as long as you can, but that doesn't work forever....
Taka can be deadly if played right. He may not be able to take on the kraken 1v1 like krull or do as much damage as Saw but with the right items, Taka is just insanely powerful. His short ability cooldowns and heroic perk make him one of my favorites. Add me up (IGN: Optimuz) and I'll show you how a Taka should be played :)
As Adagio a lot of my wins come from well played Takas. When built correctly and, more importantly, played correctly, Taka can destroy enemy teams. I'll throw a GOF on Taka when he engages and dashes away and suddenly the enemy is slowed and burning with no one to target. Throw Agent of Wrath on myself and stutter-step pew until the squishy is under 50%, then Taka finishes and runs out again. If you're helping assist Taka ganks well enough the enemy is forced to choose between defense and offense. Either they die slower and kill slower, or kill faster but die to incredible burst.
If your Takas can't harass late game it's because they fell behind and the other team either dominated the jungle and lane for gold, or your team fed the enemy team and they have a serious item advantage. That's the inherent con of an assassin class - they need to be ahead the entire game.
Taka for me is a damn nuisance when against him cause I play as krul and I always get close to the kill and every taka player are chickens and use their skill that hides them and they run so is taka a bad hero? No is taka a good hero? No taka is a useless hero
Taka can hang in the hotness and above if the person who plays him truly plays an assassin role. Totally team dependent but deadly when used correctly. A Catherine/Taka combo is an absolute nightmare,:stuns and silences all over the place with a Taka dashing in and out dealing insane damage every time, its pretty crazy to see.
Like others have previously said, if a Taka does his job right and plays an assassin role, he can dominate the other team, ESPECIALLY early game. His abilities just destroy squishies. when using characters like Adagio and Ringo, going against Taka is a pain.
NA Player who mains Adagio/sides Glaive, Ringo, and Catherine Currently in The Hotness
The higher your elo, the less Taka you'll see. It's a bad, selfish little fox that gets squashed endgame. I still like my little fox in the box, but until he and my Koshka get buffed, they'll continue to suffer from my absence!
When your karma gets higher, the fewer taka you will see as people will not surrender easily. Hence, if you are losing with a taka on the enemies' team, do not surrender and you might turn the tide around. Thats what happens to me 80% of the time
It's mainly due to the fact that his team presence is lacking. all of his abilities help himself and only himself, besides the fact that he deals pure burst damage. Taka players in high skill tiers should be conscious of what the opponent might build to counter your strategy, and this is why Taka players fail often. But he isn't a bad hero, he's balanced, but in games where people know how to build, to counter you, he's trash
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