Hey guys Zero here. Im looking for new players interested in joining our new guild VENDETTA. My goal for this team, other than to enjoy ourselves of course, is to grow in skill tier and build a brother hood that's able to challenge the big teams out there such as nemesis and gankstars and also to compete in all the various high elo tournaments around. So if you feel like this is a too ambitious goal for you please don't waste both our time. But if you're serious about getting better and achieving those goals and you meet the requirements listed below, then go ahead and leave your application.
Now as far as requirements, I am accepting applications from anyone pretty good (Silver) or above. My reasoning being that if you've managed to reach this skill tier then you're either someone who got there through hard work like I have or you're someone who's had a lot of experience with MOBAS and therefore are a pretty good player. Either way it's a win-win. HOWEVER, if you are lower than that skill tier and truly think you have what it takes, feel free to fill out the application and I'll run a couple of games with you to see if we could work something out. Also I use Kik as my main source of communication with team members. So make sure you either get one or list your Kik username in the application. Last requirement is you must be 16 years or older. Most of the current team members are around 20 years old so we want to keep it in that 16-30 year old range.
Finally, the application format is as follows:
- Age
- Skill Tier
- Main(s)
- What role you enjoy playing most in-game (Protector, Roam, Carry, Semi-carry, etc.)
- Kik Username
- Brief Bio about yourself and why you want to be a part of this team
Thank you for reading and feel free to post questions alongside your applications below. I look forward to meeting you all.
IGN: CenzuRa
AGE: 22
SKILL TIER: Hotness Silver
MAIN: Ringo/Krul
ROLE: Lane/Cover / Jungle/Carry
KIK: Cenzu.Ra
A new gamer coming into the touch screen gaming genre and want to be at the top, make friends and have fun.
IGN: AnthonyEBK
AGE: 18
SKILL TIER: Decent-ish gold
MAIN: Taka Petal Vox
Roles jungle/AD carry (taka) Support AP carry (Vox) Tank Support (Petal)
KIK: Tony_kushd_out
Experienced with MOBAs I play LoL , im tired of randoms i need a team and im very intrested in participating on tournaments etc
IGN - MongoBA
AGE - 34
SKILL TIER - Silver Pretty Good
MAIN - Tank Claive, Ardan, Ringo
Alts - Krul, Skarf, Taka
ROLES - I enjoy the protector/tank role, but can play the carry also
KIK - MongoBA
Region - NA/USA
I enjoy playing vainglory and want to get to a pro status.
AGE - 18
SKILL TIER - Gold Decent-ish
MAIN - Celeste, Adagio
ROLES - lane/cover (Celeste) roam/protector (adagio)
KIK - remyjw
Region - NA/USA
Although Decent-ish is the furthest I've gotten I think I'm a lot better with a good team. Wanted to get into something like this since I'm kinda tired of solo queue, and want to excel in this game.
Just starting playing so no great stats just silver not bad.
I main koshka and feel like I have a basic understanding of the game and some strategy.
It would help a lot of I could play with people who actually had some sort of plan.
I'm 21 and my playing times are pretty random. Think I have a Kik account but deleted apps I can just redo load it... Idk if I could always be available for scheduled tourneys and such but would love to be able to contribute when I'm around and as I learn. Np if your looking for something a little more hardcore. I'm just looking to learn the game better and playing in organized teams is the way to do that. I like playing roam and burst.
-Crix. (IGN: CrixMadine)
VaingloryFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite VG hero’s build and strategy.
Posts: 18
Karma Level: 20 / Wins: 243
Tier-Silver: The Hotness
Region: NA/USA
"No ay que llegar primero, ay que saber llegar!"
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