Just looking for good teammates... I am very competitive and am currently in the hotness skill tier. I main cath and play a decent krul/petal/saw. If anyone wants to add me my ign is: yomomsideman. Thanks and hope I see you in game. :)
I'm very interested. PM me but I usually have to cope with school hours
IGN:tangentofhalfpi Skype:yantan2000 Skill Tier:Bouncing between Not Bad (Gold) and Decent-ish (Silver) from knuckleheads and AFKs Karma Level:10 Wins:85 Main (Jungle):WP Taka or Tank/Proc Cath Main (Lane):WP Petal Alt Lane:Skaarf or Adagio Alt Jungle:Krul Currently Practicing:Koshka
VaingloryFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite VG hero’s build and strategy.
Posts: 2
Skill Tier:Decent-ish Silver (Tier 5)
Karma Level:19
Sent using JAILBROKEGold Edition64GiG iPhone 5s.
Posts: 6
Posts: 7
Skype: yantan2000
Skill Tier: Bouncing between Not Bad (Gold) and Decent-ish (Silver) from knuckleheads and AFKs
Karma Level: 10
Wins: 85
Main (Jungle): WP Taka or Tank/Proc Cath
Main (Lane): WP Petal
Alt Lane: Skaarf or Adagio
Alt Jungle: Krul
Currently Practicing: Koshka
Posts: 6