After a long and strenuous journey to 250 wins solo (and stuck in decentish hell) I've reached a point where I really, really would rather play with a set group as much as possible. People who know which builds to do, team tactics, basically just people who know the basics of the game. I'm pretty efficient with at least one char in every role, but I'm most confident as Joule in the jungle. I'm in Pacific Standard time and play very often.
ign: aGOON
Best chars: Joule, Ringo, Taka & Cat
I'm also in your predicament, getting sick of the imcompetent pub kids. I'm currently stuck in getting there bronze tier 3, I was in Decent-ish gold at one point. I can play atleast 1 character in every role pretty well, I usually play Catherine support or krul Jung, I'm working on getting better with vox.
Solo que is the worst
i play ardan for support or wp carry depending on team, joule or kosh for jungle, and ringo in lane, but in casual matches i mix it up with what ever the free heros are to learn matchups better
I generally have same problems whether it's the lack of teamwork, deserters, or people don't really know how to play
Well if anyone wants to add me I play Catherine support also petal lane or jungle also have Celeste and vox although my best is support
Just add me and I'll accept and when I'm online message me and I'll reply
IGN: cannibal54
Region: North
Best characters: Catherine
Same-ish just ranked out of T3 bronze - t4 silver in about 5 matches last night(I find it works best for me SoloQing between 3-7am est) but either way I'm sick of clueless players not buying a single scout trap or obviously not even looking at the scoreboard(had a saw build aegis against 3 wp last night LOL) I've only been playing a short while, but I've got a pretty good handle on each role. Mains include: Celeste(lane or jungle), Catherine, Joule(any role), and Rona(who i just bought yesterday, played 1 casual and then proceeded to win the the aforementioned 5 rank up games). Also, the last few people I've added and then partied after a win have let me down extremely hard(having like 1 T3 item at 15min)So I'd just like some like-minded players to roll with because losing because of ridiculous trash rreally puts a damper on my day xD
Ign: Kardashianity(NA)
IGN: Kardashianity
Mains: Celeste, Joule, Catherine
Skill: Decent-ish
Server: NA
Pacific time, I tend to play more around 4pm - 9pm during the week. And often on the weekends.
Add and star me, Ill send notifications when I get on.
I tend to adagio a lot.
I can Krul and Celeste.
Practicing with Skye and Taka
VaingloryFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite VG hero’s build and strategy.
Best chars: Joule, Ringo, Taka & Cat
Posts: 6
Posts: 1
Posts: 2
Posts: 2
Mains: Celeste, Joule, Catherine
Skill: Decent-ish
Server: NA
Posts: 6
Skill Tier: 5 Silver
Wins: 412
Mains: Roam: Adagio, Jungle: Krul, Lane: Celeste
Server: NA
Posts: 6