We use it to communicate while playing, while not playing and mostly to keep good relations between us.
Tier 6+
Why tier 6? We looking for players which know Vainglory mechanics, who can cooperate with team and guild mates,which understand all roles and items. You can of course apply if youre on a lower tier but know how to play,
that we're all equals, there is no better or worse players. Even if you are higher ranked player, You need to respect each other.
600 fame per week
Everyone loves third win bonus so get it with us. People working, have kids - we understand that, so 3 games per day or 600 fame per week its not a big deal to improve guildmates and guild ranks. If you cannot do that just let us know.
No more than 3 days inactivity If You want to go off for few days or have holidays just let us know.
Have fun and make some friends
We are going to be a big family, friendly environment where we can socialise.
Post Your comment down below in example:
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Rank (Included last season):
Why You would be a part of Us:
VaingloryFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite VG hero’s build and strategy.
Posts: 1