Hi, looking for a clan to play with in the SEA region and preferably from SG/MY.
My IGN is KellyKyle. 268 wins, Skill Tier: Simply Amazing, Heroes I use: Adagio, Glaive.
My play time is usually 0000-0600 GMT+8
Hey bro, I am putting together a srs team based outa Seattle myself; if you are interested and use mumble then maybe we can create a hardcore team.
IGN: CasanovaNoah
Email: [email protected]
IGN:CasanovaNoah Skill Tier:Decent-ish Silver (Tier 5) Karma Level:19 Wins:125 Primary: Krul or Koshka Secondary: SAW or Ringo
VaingloryFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite VG hero’s build and strategy.
Posts: 1
Skill Tier:Decent-ish Silver (Tier 5)
Karma Level:19
Sent using JAILBROKEGold Edition64GiG iPhone 5s.
Posts: 6
Posts: 8