Id like to have a friend or to make a group to play at night 23:00-02:30 or all the weekend.
I could speak with skype or facetime.
Ps. I have a bad english but can fluent speak so dont judge me.
Player IGN : TheSaw
Region : Europe
Karma level: 19 (Decent Ish)
I play main : Weapon Taka,Hybrid Ardan and Weapon Ringo
Hey, My karma is 17 but i am pretty good with taka.... I usually get 11 or 12 kills with 1 death. If you want you can add me and you can also add me on skype.
Guys, u found a team? Interested to had a game? I got a team here, I got more than 500 wins! name DarylSu21, add me if u interested in playing or add me in fb, Daryl Su
VaingloryFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite VG hero’s build and strategy.
Posts: 1
Region: Europe
Karma Level: 20
Skill Tier: Pretty Good
Unlocked Heros:
Skype: xxthegogliderxx
Add Meh If You Need A Companion
Notable (2)
Posts: 13
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