These three heroes are on a roll nowadays. i feel jealous of those who has the higher chances of wins, especially skaarfs. Takas are very strong in late games, makig them nearly unkillable.. Now this Joule hits the spot. She goes catherine, she goes celeste, she goes ringo. And hey, that catherinemode is not just a stun but a leap, and I find things hard that these three needs nerfs. If you think taka is the person to buy, type "taka" or "t", skaarf for "skaarf" or "s" and joule for "joule" or "j"
Sorry for the last post, I was in a losing streak.
Skaarf is confirmed for a nerf in the upcoming v1.5. Taka and Joule just got buffed and it looks like they are here to stay. If you prefer jungle play, go for Taka. If you prefer something closer to lane play, go for Joule.
IGN: Astrianna (NA) Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze Karma Level: 20 Best Heroes: Vox, Taka, Fortress Training Heroes: Celeste, Rona
"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
Skaarf is confirmed for a nerf in the upcoming v1.5. Taka and Joule just got buffed and it looks like they are here to stay. If you prefer jungle play, go for Taka. If you prefer something closer to lane play, go for Joule.
Yeah buy anything but skarrf. I main skarff and I am currently practicing other characters to play after he gets nerfed
In a hypothetical world where SEMC hypothetically play-tests their balance changes before releasing their updates, it would be perfectly fair to get and play Skaarf because it would just mean that you don't utterly dominate the game (but you still pose a threat if you master the hero).
Of course, it's all hypothetical :)
Jokes aside I'm all for Joule - lane potential check. jungle potential check. Possibly the most powerful (but still balanced, because you need good aim) ult. Going up against a CP Joule from the front has always been painful...
IGN: Astrianna (NA) Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze Karma Level: 20 Best Heroes: Vox, Taka, Fortress Training Heroes: Celeste, Rona
"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
It's down to Joule or Skaarf, Joule seems to be reccomended by Astrianna, Skaarf is also a good pick but the fact that he's getting a nerf. Should I buy Joule or save up for the 8k new hero? Or, should I buy an 8k hero ;)
Well I believe the v1.5 update with wolfie has already been submitted to Apple, so it probably won't hurt to wait. It's supposed to land by the end of the week, though the ball is really in Apple's court. And as for my "recommendation", I'd definitely say to take it with a pinch of salt. I find that a lot of it boils down to your playing style. My very first hero was Glaive and I thought I was fantastic with him, but recently when I was on a horrible losing streak I went back to playing Glaive for a bit and found that I totally couldn't work with him (in the sense that yes, I can play him, but I didn't enjoy it). Test out Joule in practice - try jungling for a bit, try laning for a bit, try whacking the Kraken a couple of times, to see if you like the hero's skill set.
IGN: Astrianna (NA) Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze Karma Level: 20 Best Heroes: Vox, Taka, Fortress Training Heroes: Celeste, Rona
"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
I'd go joule even though they nerfed her after buffing her? Skarf is useless now he was good because he was very adaptable, now he's very much a Mage... If you like laning go joule can choose wp or cp and same for Taka in the jungle. I like Taka a lot he's a lot of fun, but I'm so against mirror matches I try and go for the less popular characters.
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"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
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Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze
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"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
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Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze
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"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
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Simply Amazing soon to be Vainglorious.
Team GB
I can feel a nerf coming...
Posts: 20