Most of the roams I like to play are out of meta. I've played most of the roams, and have all the Captain heroes, but I'd like to know who you guys favor or think is in meta. I know it depends upon which heroes your teammates play, but some roams are more in meta for some heroes than others. Also, leave your favorite comps/ pairings in comments.
Catherine because I'm pretty good with her and it's fun to stun enemies. It sucks when you engage as a team and then you silence but your allies run away with like 60% health and you haven't used your fountain yet :/ Also, my allies always reengage cause they think they're invincible when I Vanguard them and I just feel like Catherine is a much more powerful hero.
IGN: MaximusPrime
Region: NA
Rank: Vainglorious Bronze(until soloq makes me drop)
Mains: Kinetic, Malene, Ardan "Good warriors fight hard, but great warriors fight smart" -MaximusPrime
I love Ardan as my roam :D
His Gauntlet can easily bait out enemy Reflex Blocks, if they don't use them then a ranged character can safely whack them on the other side of the wall. Ardan is a more aggressive roam and can dive a ton of turrets with his massive health pool and Julia's Gift. It's really nice to have someone beside you while diving 5 turrets :D especially if you're a squishy carry getting super greedy for kills (me most of the time)
Also his Vanguard can save me while I'm making highly risky plays :P
If you win, you live
If you lose, you die
If you don't fight, you can't win
A Taka on Kaiten XD
I really like Lyra as my captain. She has a lot of flexibility in her build path. She can also be played very aggressively or passively. It makes me kind of sad that she keeps getting nerfed though. ._.
IGN: Blissey123 Hero mains: Lyra, Catherine, Koshka, Idris, Celeste, Kestrel, Flicker,Celeste Heroes that I am good at but I don't have: Joule Practicing: Kestrel, Celeste, Vox, Idris
Tier: Worthy Foe Silver
Best Heroes: Lyra, Catherine, Idris, Kestrel, Koshka, Vox, Celeste
I think good Ardans win games. Good Lyras are not bad also, but I think Lyra is one of those heroes that need a bit more coordination through Skype/Discord to play to her maximum effectiveness.
IGN: RxyDxy
Region: SEA
Current Rank: The Hotness (Silver)
Favourite Heroes: Koshka, Rona, Flicker, Alpha
VaingloryFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite VG hero’s build and strategy.
Notable (4)
Posts: 39
Region: NA
Rank: Vainglorious Bronze(until soloq makes me drop)
Mains: Kinetic, Malene, Ardan
"Good warriors fight hard, but great warriors fight smart" -MaximusPrime
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Posts: 439
If you lose, you die
If you don't fight, you can't win
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Notable (6)
Posts: 69
Notable (6)
Posts: 67
Hero mains: Lyra, Catherine, Koshka, Idris, Celeste, Kestrel, Flicker,Celeste
Heroes that I am good at but I don't have: Joule
Practicing: Kestrel, Celeste, Vox, Idris
Tier: Worthy Foe Silver
Best Heroes: Lyra, Catherine, Idris, Kestrel, Koshka, Vox, Celeste
Notable (17)
Posts: 151
Region: SEA
Current Rank: The Hotness (Silver)
Favourite Heroes: Koshka, Rona, Flicker, Alpha
Notable (5)
Posts: 24
Notable (2)
Posts: 18
Server: SEA
Main: Jungle(90%),Carry(10%), Roam (practicing in casual)
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Posts: 152