The whole travel boots expiring thing is ridiculous. Had two games in which I tried to use travel boots to run away from a Petal's minions, and both times I got slowed to a crawl because they got one hit on me as I was escaping and my travel boots deactivated. Where the hell do the vainglory developers get their ideas?! There's also a woeful lack of justification for this specific change in the changelog they released. Much disappoint.
IGN: Astrianna (NA) Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze Karma Level: 20 Best Heroes: Vox, Taka, Fortress Training Heroes: Celeste, Rona
"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
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Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze
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"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
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