And I swear it's not a RickRoll(or is it???) And yes I realize that it has the website name in the link so it's obviously not a trick.
The only thing I'm excited for are the post-match surveys and maybe the new jungle mob scaling. The Krul changes won't bring him back, in my opinion he is still extremly weak because of the BP changes. I was very annoyed when I heared that Taka will be buffed, it seems like now nobody under Pretty Good knows how to counter him, I really wonder how this will be with a Taka who is even stronger... -.-
InGame-Name: NoxTenebra Region: EU Wins: 300+ Highest Rank Achieved:Pretty Good Bronze Main Laners:WP Glaive, CP Skye, CP Adagio, WP Adagio, Main Junglers:WP/Tank Krul, WP Glaive, CP Skye Main Supporters:Tank/Clockwork Glaive, Tank/Shatterglass Adagio
Reim will be so powerful, and they didnt nerf the adagio buff comp very much at all, only regular adagio =(
IGN: FireWolf250 Laners: CP Skaarf, CP Phinn, CP Adagio Junglers: None Supporters/Roamers: CP Adagio, CP Shatterglass Phinn
You think I have to much CP!? That's what AC is for!
"Everyone has multiple personality disorder, its called having emotions." -Anonymus
I have a very important question...
"Why Rona Is In The Game Yet? srsly I can't see how she is a hero. Now some would say wow 70 to 75% wp ratio buff but I cant understand how the heck this small buff gonna make her stronger. Phinn or Even ardan can 1v1 her early game. Mid game she falls, late game her cs is less than the enemy jungle most of the time cause of her rips. Bp changes destroyed her entirely so what remains of her basically?
Yeah taka honestly I feel like they should've nerfed crystal and given one of his abilities a weapon ratio so both builds can actually be seen in the Meta and be played correctly right at low elo and high elo.
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I had trouble finding it at first too :)
And I swear it's not a RickRoll(or is it???)
And yes I realize that it has the website name in the link so it's obviously not a trick.
Remarkable (21)
Posts: 250
Region: EU
Wins: 300+
Highest Rank Achieved: Pretty Good Bronze
Main Laners: WP Glaive, CP Skye, CP Adagio, WP Adagio,
Main Junglers: WP/Tank Krul, WP Glaive, CP Skye
Main Supporters: Tank/Clockwork Glaive, Tank/Shatterglass Adagio
Notable (2)
Posts: 32
Laners: CP
Junglers: None
Supporters/Roamers: CP
You think I have to much CP!? That's what AC is for!
"Everyone has multiple personality disorder, its called having emotions." -Anonymus
Notable (5)
Posts: 49
Posts: 35
Remarkable (25)
Posts: 539