have never played a MOBA before this game and not really sure what I'm stepping into here but this game looks super fun and I guess I'm just looking for tips on playing.
I dont want to jump into a random game and be that guy who lets the team down simply because I didnt know what I was doing.
Essentially, if I was playing a character such as Ringo, would it be a good idea to lane for the early game to build gold, items etc and then move to the jungle for neutral creeps and the Gold mine later in or?
I understand that there is no true way to play these type of games except at how you grasp it but I'm just not really getting the finer points of how the team would usually work effectively.
Any tips, hint, tricks would be awesome, thanks for the help! :)
(also before its brought up, unfortunately I wouldnt be able to play this game with my friends as it seems I'm the only one of them who enjoys apple products)
Welcome to the fold @Scarletmilk ! We Vainglory Experienced players will help you in your way to ' pretty good ' and more! *cough* flyingfox , sixx, playoffbeard, thorin *cough*.
If your using Ringo, you should farm up in the lane. Try to last hit as many creeps as possible. There's the Orange bar that helps you do that too. When the RED bar of the creep turns orange, it means you can kill it in one shot. Though not always correct, it's still reliable.
Check the minimap often. Your junglers might be in turn! Help them when you can, but don't leave the lane too much, the enemy will push it out.
Leave the jungle creeps to your junglers, but you can always get them when you need it, or when nobody wants it. Secure the gold mine with nearly full will be good, and make sure you counterbuild ;)
You can pair up with me anytime, my IGN is Zyronl in SEA, and it's a L.
Back to what I was saying. Try and gank people. But get to lvl 6 first with Ringo. Early game Ringo won't stand much chances in a 1vs1 with many people.
That's basically what I can brainstorm in one minute. XD
Tips for playing against these laners:
Don't try and 1vs1 him early. Farm up gold first. Signal your junglers to gank Lane when your level 6. And don't use your ultimate to finish adagio off, he can simply heal. Watch his mana all the time, and watch out when he tries to go near you. It will lead to a slow and stun.
Go ahead and fight him when he does not have the 12 stacks. You will win. But becareful when he's lvl 6. The ultimate can knock you dead in 3 shots. Poke him when you can. When he fires supressing Fire, go ahead and hit him. But count to 4 when he starts firing. Run when you count to 4.
Becareful, she can poke you easily. Stay away from her when she's lvl 6. If you want to duel her, you can. But have the surprise attack with you. Launch your ultimate in the bush, hopefully it will burn away the pets. Then fire away at her, you should win.
Depending on who having the advantage, the one who have it wins the duel.
WOW! thanks heaps for the tips @Zyronl this is really the kind of info I was after. Plus the links are pretty handy too.
I'll probably play as ringo predominately at this point as he seems pretty easy and comfortable to use in the practice matches so I imagine it would be the same i live matches.
I'll be on later this evening (Aus time) So I'll definitely add you, could use all the friends on this so far haha.
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