We have all experienced it, the match starts, you are mid-game and suddenly in a teamfight an ally dies because of a missplay, one of your teammates spams pings and surrender and because you still think you can make a comeback in the game and therefore don't surender, your teammate will sell all his stuff and run around at the spawn point.
Happened to you before?
I love playing Vainglory and I understand that some people are frustrated because they lose a teamfight, but the mentality that they have will cause you to lose the match. This is not fun and the match is unfair, you can only give up yourself.
I want to fix this issue by suggesting to implement a region in the spawn area and if players are alive whilst in that region for 1m without leaving it they will get a time penalty and deducted karma.
Please comment on further ideas, solutions or experiences below,
Thanks for reading
EU Server IGN: The_Ezra
Skill Tier: Hotness(7) Gold
Karma lvl: 20
Account lvl: 20
Favourite Heroes: Vox, Skaarf, Catherine, Taka
I had a fun experience a couple games back. I'll spare you the boring details, but by early mid game, this teammate of mine decided that instead of going AFK in frustration, he was just going to follow me around the whole map and last hit all my farms! LOL! He did it for the entire rest of the match. I was laughing the whole time....
[*] IGN - FederalMafia (NA)
"When I'm in command, every mission is a suicide mission."
I saw this post and had to post a reply. Vainglory is hands down my favorite app for my iPad and I love to play this game. Although for the past couple months it seems like every single ranked solo queue I go into I get either someone who afks, pings 10k times, steals minions, keeps running down lane after respawn and dying, or is just terrible in general. I'm currently in tier 6 silver and thought that the higher skill tiers would weed out the ********. Is this something that everyone is experiencing and if so when if ever will this slow down or stop all together.
As a frequent afker myself, the thumbs down is effective. Timing me out wouldn't solve the problem; it would instead encourage people to quit the game because not only are they frustrated, but they are also BANNED from the game.
I never play scaarf but I have him as my avatar to mess with people.
I am a young pizza cat, even though I hate koshka.
IGN: Yangusbeef
Rank: Pretty good. It fluctuates between bronze, silver. and gold, but I usually never go under or over that.
VaingloryFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite VG hero’s build and strategy.
Skill Tier: Hotness(7) Gold
Karma lvl: 20
Account lvl: 20
Favourite Heroes: Vox, Skaarf, Catherine, Taka
Posts: 9
"When I'm in command, every mission is a suicide mission."
Notable (7)
Posts: 100
Posts: 2
I am a young pizza cat, even though I hate koshka.
IGN: Yangusbeef
Rank: Pretty good. It fluctuates between bronze, silver. and gold, but I usually never go under or over that.
Notable (11)
Posts: 319