*Search by role: this way everyone could play their desired role without having toxic teammates that either go double carry double jungle double captain and people wont have to fight for roles!
Why they wont do it? Because this would mean nobody will play support anymore since support role sucks for alot of people because it is bassicaly a very low dmg item carrying hero! No powerful spells no nothing! Example: if a carry is not well positioned in a teamfight it will die regardless if ardan uses vanguard on it or not!
*Hide names before match and during the match but reveal all at endgame leaderboard!
Some people will just trow because they know their teammate and they dont like each other and some people will become intimidated because they know they play against stronger players so this is stupid to gameplay regardless!
*hide item builds during match!
This is stupid...and again they copied everything from dota but dota had items revealed because they could not hide them...the wc3 engine wont allow it! They are too stupid too unoriginal to do this thing anyways! Also it makes this game a chess match and not a nice fighting arena where you should be skilled to know what to build according to how much dmg you do to an enemy and how much defense it seems he got and so on! Again to stupid to do this because they are on the copy lol that copied dota train!
*remove all pings from game!
All pings are useless and they are used only to toxic endeavours most of the time! People should play not act like they are on yahoo, fb or some other ****!
You need to focus on your gameplay not what teammates do...if everyone fullfills his role the team will be efficient but if jungler keeps an eye or both on what the captain does the results are cathastrophical!
*if i report someone do not ****ing draft me in team with him the very next match!
I dont have to explain this!
*be honest to your gamers
Dont say this game is this and that and it has like 1,5 million players cuz it does not even have 200k concurrent players!
Stop selling ********! Example: fly or die baron legendary skin that lacks visual enhancements on both ulti and a! Only enhancement is the b!
On a side note...the other baron skin has b enhancement also and its rare...
*reveal all data about heroes or reveal none
During patches there are changes that are not given to public...for example: turning rate times( how much it takes a hero to turn around), attack cooldown after a specific spell( example grumpjaw after previous patch nerf it was not nowherte near as fluid after using his b as before and they did not mention anything about this)
*give all snipers and mages more range and enlarge camera view for tablets too
Playing on phone you can easily cast ulti of kestrel without even using your minimap...also you have alot of vision about everything while on tablet its like 2x zoom! Does it seems fair that tablet is at disadvantage just because bigger screen? ...
The biggest problem in terms of gameplay vainglory has is range...and they thought people get snowballed because of hp! Its because of range...if snipers would have alot of range fights would be a lot more dinamic without having the problem of a team getting snowballed just because the enemy team has farmed a bit more!
*delete the matchnaking sistem and use another
The matchmaker is flawd and stupid...skill should be calculated by how much dmg you deliver in ganks...how much dmg you take in gabks, your farm etc etc...not by wins...cuz there are players that are 50 pct win rate and vainglorious! Does that seem like skill to you? Does it seem like skill when a player has 1000 loses and 1100 wins? Whatever
Also this way players could not be ever boosted by other players!
They are thinking they improve the game but in fact they kill it...people wont stay in such a toxic community and enviroment for long! If 5vs5 doesnt hit hard this game will become history for majority of its allready small player base! Vainglory lacks alot...but it has the visuals...and the con artists employyees of semc that say every single patch how much they done...and how great their game is! It isnt...its nice but far from great it has tons of provlems that are ignored but it is presented like a top notch product...the graphic engine is top notch...everything else is trash!
Favorite heroes: Fortress, Krul Support, Rona Support, Taka support
1) you're being toxic and half of this is just ranting and not trying to remove toxicity
2) ability effects do not determine a skin 's rarity
3)pings are useful when they're not being used toxicically(is that even a word?)
4) they are working on improving things and 5v5, so I'd like to see you make a game better than this without any toxic players like yourself who expect everything to be perfect(and this game is free!)
I do agree with some things however, such as not pairing people up with reported players and perhaps a preferred role, which would try to help but isn't guaranteed
IGN: MaximusPrime
Region: NA
Rank: Vainglorious Bronze(until soloq makes me drop)
Mains: Kinetic, Malene, Ardan "Good warriors fight hard, but great warriors fight smart" -MaximusPrime
VaingloryFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite VG hero’s build and strategy.
Favorite Skin: All Fortress Skins
Skill Tier: Vainglorious
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Posts: 69
Region: NA
Rank: Vainglorious Bronze(until soloq makes me drop)
Mains: Kinetic, Malene, Ardan
"Good warriors fight hard, but great warriors fight smart" -MaximusPrime
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