I have been playing this game solid for a year. I'm not the best but I'm also not the worst player. This latest patch has really destroyed the game for me. Ranked queue is nothing but Lyra saw or vox and it's literally unbeatable. Saw is now some sick combinations between a ringo and a Skye now that is unkillable in fights and has free armor, shield just by attacking people. Even by the time his spin up wears off his teammates have already killed you so it's not even worth waiting for. Lyra basically makes playing any other support hero not worth playing. She can endlessly push your lane wi a plus one and they are unkillable. Any attempted jump is immediately countered by her B and you can't move so you just die. on top of all this, hero leveling is completely broken. Die once and your enemy has easily a two level advantage by the time you respawn. I just played a game where I died three times only and was level 8 at 20 minutes. As a support. I am to the point where every time I play I get the same thing. Either feeding teammates, or enemies that only play broken heros and rush as many sorrowblades/shatter glasses as possible. There's no punish for it either. The game has turned into a complete joke imo. There's no sense in building defense and if you're already behind even building damage won't help you. First blood basically wins the game. The enemy team will just run at you and put you farther and farther behind. And never be punished for it. Which is why I'm finally done with it. These last few patches and the latest one in particular have completely ruined the game for me. I honestly think it's a joke that people play this competitively as there is no competitive aspect to the game. Rush damage and hope you don't die in the process. Later nerds.
VaingloryFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite VG hero’s build and strategy.
Posts: 3
Region: North America
Skill Tier: Pretty Good, bronze
Mains: Ringo (CP + WP), Glaive (WP), Skye (WP)
Secondaries: Phinn, Fortress, Rona
Notable (5)
Posts: 62
Notable (3)
Posts: 106
Posts: 16