Okay so I have basically reached the point where I just cannot get past Not Bad Bronze. Its so frustrating because sometimes I do well and sometimes I do horrible. But after it all averages out, I drop down to Getting there gold. But then getting there gold is way too easy and I climb back to Not Bad Bronze. Ugh. I feel as NB bronze is above by lvl and GT gold is below my level. However, whenever I do bad in NB Bronze, I hate to say it, but my teammates are always absolute TRASH. They have no map awareness and never fight. The enemy laner overextends SO MUCH. like they are pretty much on my turret, and are just getting free potshots on my turret BUT my teammates don't do anything to help me gank. If i'm just by myself, the laner just runs away when I start shooting him... its just bad.. its bad.
So I'm just posting this cuz i need advice. How to deal with inexperienced teammates? Any advice to climb past NB Bronze?
Climbing can be hard. Watching notable streamers on twitch can help you pick up on tactics to start winning/carrying, but sometimes it's just best to find some friends! Click here to connect with other players!
Oh! And using a VoIP like Skype, Discord, or TeamSpeak is also a great way to coordinate during a match.
IGN: wolf_hands
NA Regional Community Manager for SEMC
I'm on Twitter and Twitch too!
Pick a couple of heroes which you enjoy playing and get good at them. You'll ultimately want to be proficient with a laner, jungler, and a support character.
IGN: Astrianna (NA) Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze Karma Level: 20 Best Heroes: Vox, Taka, Fortress Training Heroes: Celeste, Rona
"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
In my experience it's pretty good and hotness that are the hard levels to pass due to poor teammates. I'd started a smurf account to see if it would be easier with a new account and had hit the same wall there. Honestly at the getting there and not bad levels, if you're having difficulty, you really just need to focus on your own game. Watch Twitch and read forums to pick up better tactics and meta. Pick a hero for each of lane, jungle, and support that you feel you're good at, improve your game in those roles, then on hero selects focus on making a good team comp: don't be an instalocker. in early levels like that focus on avoiding death as much as possible, unless tactically it makes sense: you're 2 or 3v1 and they're running back to turrets with low health- by all means chase them in and take one for the team to get the ace. Keep an eye on enemy builds and learn good counter building tactics. Don't do solo invades. Practice last hits. Don't obsess with the gold miner- DO try to take it and protect it, but it's not worth getting aced or chased away for to leave the enemy team to take it AND a turret. Remember taking a turret gives you as much as a full gold miner.
And above alllllllll else- the game is called Vain Glory: the goal is to take the Vain Crystal, taking objectives and mining gold is only in service to that end. I HATE seeing teammates who get so caught up in K/D, miner control, or avoiding death at all costs only to let turret after turret fall. The only thing that counts in the end is a W or a L. I could care less if I'm going negative KD if my team has all turrets and is dismantling theirs regularly
IGN: RandallFlagg (NA) (read The Stand, folks)
Skill Tier: Simply Amazing
Karma: 20
Level: 20
Wins: 950 and counting
I play 'em all- lately killing it with Taka, Fortress, and Vox
Get good at last hitting. A common problem I see that makes games in pretty bad easy is the player you're against won't last hit at all. Remember, kills barely give 1 wave full of creep gold. Kill 5 waves of creep and guess what? You are pretty much 5-0.
I never play scaarf but I have him as my avatar to mess with people.
I am a young pizza cat, even though I hate koshka.
IGN: Yangusbeef
Rank: Pretty good. It fluctuates between bronze, silver. and gold, but I usually never go under or over that.
VaingloryFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite VG hero’s build and strategy.
Posts: 1
NA Regional Community Manager for SEMC
I'm on Twitter and Twitch too!
<SEMC Staff>
Remarkable (22)
Posts: 205
Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze
Karma Level: 20
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"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
Notable (6)
Posts: 66
Skill Tier: Simply Amazing
Karma: 20
Level: 20
Wins: 950 and counting
I play 'em all- lately killing it with Taka, Fortress, and Vox
Posts: 3
Notable (1)
Posts: 56
I am a young pizza cat, even though I hate koshka.
IGN: Yangusbeef
Rank: Pretty good. It fluctuates between bronze, silver. and gold, but I usually never go under or over that.
Notable (11)
Posts: 319