I created this thread so that everybody can input tips and tricks for succesful ranking when you solo queue for low and high tiers a like.
No one likes being hardstuck in a tier especially in lower tiers so if you have any helpful points please comment them below. I believe that this thread can help a lot of solo queuers especially newer players if we all input our experiences and strategies into a collective post.
Learn as many characters as you can. Don't be that instalocker. Don't be the late instalocker either that instalocks lane even though the other instalocker instalocked lane already.
If you win, you live
If you lose, you die
If you don't fight, you can't win
A Taka on Kaiten XD
Lower Tiers (0-4):
It's better to focus on a having an aggressive build, even if you're Captain. Because in lower tiers it seems to work better when you're being selfish (just don't be an douche). Help your team when it's a good time too, but you should be focusing on your game mechanics. In low tiers it's easier to climb ranks if you play as the Carry or the Jungler. The Captain position is a bit harder to climb in because you have to rely on good teammates to carry you.
Mid Tiers (5-7):
By the time you get to this tier expect your teammates and enemies to have better mechanics. By now you should have a decent hero pool, and will be expanding your knowledge. You might want to start being able learn counter building. Vision is your best friend in the mid tiers, because the team with the most vision is the one that is more likely to win. When you get into T7 you will now have draft mode. You will start to learn team comps and maybe some counter picking.
High Tiers (8-10 bronze):
By now you should have good mechanics. You have a large to nearly complete hero pool. If someone picks a hero for you, you should be able to play it. Draft can win the game right off the bat. Any misstep will likely get you punished by the opposing team. Expect more of the teams to be moving as a unit. At the higher tiers it would be wise to join a team or have a lot of friends to play with, as solo queue is almost suicide. If someone gets angry expect either turret running, troll building, or feeding.
God Tier (VG Silver and Gold):
Welcome to the promised land, this is where all of the gods of VG are. You will probably be constantly running into the 9 million smurf accounts of just about every single professional player. By the time you get here you will have probably be playing in one position. You will probably have every hero that you can play in that position, but you will most likely be a one trick unless your one trick gets banned. I honestly don't have any advice on when you get to VG silver +. You should know what to do. At this point you definitely won't be solo queuing.
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If you lose, you die
If you don't fight, you can't win
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