ive experienced a ton more lag in the last few days, anyone else have this happening? I frequently play using cell service without any issues, including a good part of today. While sitting in the exact same location that I've played the game all day without lag, I suddenly can't do anything. There won't be any issues until I see the enemy, then it freezes up, and says difficult connecting and shows a speed of anywhere from 250-15000. I haven't even moved. Then suddenly I'm dead, and it starts all over again.
I have had several issues with lag in the last couple days, for me 250 is normal, but I had a spike of over 23,000 ms a few days ago... I am tired of having to restart my phone each time i play a game to hope that it doesn't happen again. Anyone know whats causing this?
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Region: USA
Main: Catherine, Petal, Kashka, Skaarf
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