does Julia's Light and Alternating Current combine? Julias light deals 50% crystal damage with each basic attack, while AC deals 115% crystal damage every other attack. I frequently get 500+ crystal power with 3 shards. So my basic attack is 10+(.5 x 500) = 260. Would the AC part just use the alternating current 10 + (1.15 x 500) = 570 or AC + my normal attack 570 + 260?
I think it's kind of like getting multiple Hourglasses. If you have a skill that recharges in 10 seconds and you get an hourglass that takes 50% off cool down it brings it to 5 seconds. Now if you get a second hourglass it would take 50% off the now recent cool down. So 50% of 5 seconds is 2.5 seconds. I think that's how it works for skills and it works for Celeste's Hero Perk.
@Dadderz Celeste's Julia's Light and Alternating Current do work together. When you attack you should see 3 numbers appear: one for the weapon powered portion, one from Julia's Light, and the last from alternatnig current (granted it's every other attack).
@Devanicus Cooldown acceleration works a bit differently. I'll use Glaive's Afterburn as an example. Maxed out the cooldown should be 12 seconds. Add in a Clockwork and the cooldown will not be cut in half to 6 seconds. Instead, it will be down to 8 seconds. The formula for this is:
Cooldown timer / (1 + Cooldown acceleration)
Using the above example we get the maths of: (12) / (1 + 0.5) = 8
Or 12 divided by 1.5, which gives us 8.
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