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Quote | PM | +Rep by Synchronyze » March 22, 2016 11:10am | Report


Proxy farming is a method of farming lane minions where as a laner you stay in the enemy base between their first few towers, and farm minions there. This is very prevalent in League of Legends, and I was thinking f ways it could be done in vainglory.

The laner would stay between the last two turrets and the third turret. There they would kill minions from the enemy team forcing they enemy laner to farm under their turret constantly, unable to push. The laner in the enemy base would also end up dying, a lot.

The only problem is with kill bounties, in vainglory kill bounties are shared with the team so your team would always be behind, which isn't necessarily bad depending on your comp. Next, i'll propose my ideas.

I've narrowed it down to two heroes that could possibly use this strategy.


Blackfeather would stay in the lane until l=he reaches level 6, gets two points on his ult, or feels comfortable enough to enter the enemy base (after level 6). He would farm there until he died or ulted out of the base. This would require most likely mines being placed on both sides of the wall which he ults through. And would only work if he was attacking the left side.

Taka would work on both sides, he could simply use his box to enter the base, farm as he likes, and leave if attacked with his box. Probably dying some too.

Both Taka and BF would have to build sustain and very tanky, with speed for getaway.

Your team would need to work very well together with lots of communication, so solo queue is almsot completely out of the picture. I will be testing this soon but this is my speculation, feel free to add!

Posts: 17
Quote | PM | +Rep by vikings102 » March 22, 2016 12:33pm | Report
A few things, if you do this you will instantly die, the enemy's jungler will come to base and just destroy you.

It won't work with any hero except, glaive, joule, blackfeather level 6, vox on some parts, petal on some parts, Arden using his ult. Taka and kestral won't work because the turrets can see through your invis and target you

All around this has no viable chance

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Synchronyze » March 22, 2016 12:54pm | Report
A few things, if you do this you will instantly die, the enemy's jungler will come to base and just destroy you.

It won't work with any hero except, glaive, joule, blackfeather level 6, vox on some parts, petal on some parts, Arden using his ult. Taka and kestral won't work because the turrets can see through your invis and target you

All around this has no viable chance

I think it would be fun to try, and yeah but once they come back or the enemy laner does you immediately invade or push lane with your jungler and support. I never thought it would really be viable, but maybe something fun to try, or see if it's possible.

Posts: 17
Quote | PM | +Rep by uncrudable » March 22, 2016 2:17pm | Report
It may work but the chances of it being viable is less then you think, if they did want to stay away from the base and leave you there what is stopping their team from killing your other team mates and just pushing with support as a meat shield? The only way I would find this viable is if you went Saw or any fast dealing WP carry, preferably saw, Cp Adagio and then a tank aspect for the lane bit probably being a warhorn bf stacked with defence and a aftershock, this might work because of CP adagio giving saw huge amounts of damage when buffed so pushing turrets would be very easy for saw and adagio, the enemy team would either go back for the bf in base giving a very low chance of the turrets survival and the be might even be able to escape, if they didn't go back for bf, the saw and adagio may be able to be outplayed in 3 v 2 at high elo but lowered down the saw adagio buff comp in lane would monster anything that pops up.

What are your thoughts on this strategy to use proxy farming for a advantage?

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Synchronyze » March 23, 2016 9:43am | Report
It may work but the chances of it being viable is less then you think, if they did want to stay away from the base and leave you there what is stopping their team from killing your other team mates and just pushing with support as a meat shield? The only way I would find this viable is if you went Saw or any fast dealing WP carry, preferably saw, Cp Adagio and then a tank aspect for the lane bit probably being a warhorn bf stacked with defence and a aftershock, this might work because of CP adagio giving saw huge amounts of damage when buffed so pushing turrets would be very easy for saw and adagio, the enemy team would either go back for the bf in base giving a very low chance of the turrets survival and the be might even be able to escape, if they didn't go back for bf, the saw and adagio may be able to be outplayed in 3 v 2 at high elo but lowered down the saw adagio buff comp in lane would monster anything that pops up.

What are your thoughts on this strategy to use proxy farming for a advantage?

I think thats a very good idea, I never really thought it would be viable, YET, but if it was at all possible. I also realized I was wrong about taka, but the comp you described could definitely work low elo or casual i will give it a try thursday and friday and i'll get back.

Posts: 17
Quote | PM | +Rep by vikings102 » March 23, 2016 11:19am | Report
Also if the enemy laner has to farm under turret that's just better for them, no chance of ganks and always have turret support

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Quote | PM | +Rep by uncrudable » March 23, 2016 2:24pm | Report
Not very good if there's a push Comp though but yeah there is literally no chance of gank if the enemy laner is standing on their turret when you only have two people to gank not 3.

But atleast the laner can't ever push by themselves.

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Synchronyze » March 23, 2016 3:41pm | Report
Even though it's most definitely not viable, I think it's an interesting concept, maybe to use in the future. If more than one lane is ever implemented.

Posts: 17
Quote | PM | +Rep by FirebirdRS » August 4, 2016 6:01pm | Report
Proxy farming is potentially viable at certain time during the game but only for short periods of time. This can be done with No turrets down or 1-2. You simply take aggro of minions and lead them into a bush. This way your lane minions won't see them and will walk straight past to the turret. Getting destroyed by it. It would only work for a few waves and you would most likely be ganked as you would be sitting in the enemy teams jungle. It is useful if you have got an ace or have killed 1-2 members of the enemy team, and can afford to be vunerable. Make sure you have an easy method of escape and/or lots of vision.

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Quote | PM | +Rep by MaximusPrime » August 6, 2016 9:21am | Report
I feel like this would be viable in some matches, but not all, and only for a minute or so at a time. Also, this would probably only work in low elo bc in higher tiers, their jungler and roam would just come and kill you. Being invisible would not work bc their turret would see you or they would bring flares and prevent you from escaping. I would not suggest doing this in ranked although this might be fun to do in casual. Maybe I'll give it a try sometime.
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