I am currently in SA and I dread whenever there is an enemy Taka. Could someone please explain to me the best way to deal with him.
The characters I currently use are Ardan, Adagio and Glaive. His abilities mean that he can negate damage, limit your healing capabilities and he is quicker so he can still catch up to you even if you slow and have level 3 boots and he has level 1.
I can build defence items sure, but the fact that he can crit all of the time more or less negates it.
Stay in pairs. Most taka will specialize in either CP or WP to counter it buy agesis or armour. That should negate most of his damage. CP taka is relatively easy to deal with if you buy shield. WP taka need 5 stacks of Ki to be truly deadly force him to expire his stack (I think 3 seconds). The BEST way to stop a taka is to simply not let him farm. Keep jungle invading and force him to go to the lane for gold. It's easier said than done but that will guarantee a useless taka throughout the game.
I found a lot of success in buying an extra flare for his engage. I play mostly in lane and when I am up against Taka, I start 3 pot 1 flare. This way, if my jungler and roam decide to come to lane after first or second clear, I can allow for the engage and at the first sign of Taka, I can throw down a flare to throw a Taka off. Reflex block isn't huge help if the Taka engages from stealth but if you can survive with a 3rd item Plates and a flare, you are home free.
For you, even bothering with Taka is an issue. Adiago, Ardan, or Glaive cannot effectively stop a Taka at any time during the game. Taka takes advantage of a uncoordinated fight, giving him the chance to go where he wants and re engage. Focus your efforts on another target and watch his buildpath carefully. If he decided to get trigger first item, sit on a reflex block as he will most likely use his ult to start a fight. If he gets Monocle or SB, I reccomend you rush your HP and keep him from picking off anyone. A strong Taka player will probably take mines, but as long as he isn't snowballing with kills, he can be managed with late game, since he falls off without kills.
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