adagio healing is op as **** and gives him damage as **** adagio healing is completely stupid and unnecessary and unfair to start with,and fortress life steal is pure nonsense on his first ability and needs to be reverted back to his B ability
It just got nerfed dude. Hope this makes you happy. Also, Fortress is extremely weak without his allies.
IGN: MaximusPrime
Region: NA
Rank: Vainglorious Bronze(until soloq makes me drop)
Mains: Kinetic, Malene, Ardan "Good warriors fight hard, but great warriors fight smart" -MaximusPrime
Good lord I've been away awhile and this is still going on?
I don't think it'll ever end
IGN: MaximusPrime
Region: NA
Rank: Vainglorious Bronze(until soloq makes me drop)
Mains: Kinetic, Malene, Ardan "Good warriors fight hard, but great warriors fight smart" -MaximusPrime
Well opinions are typically biased. That's why they are personal opinions. Same way your opinions are biased based on which characters you struggle to play against.
Region: NA Coach for Nova Esports Imma Roam Main
His burst heal counters burst damage so just use sustained damage.
To stop him from using his burst heal keep him away from his team OR you can reflex block his Gift of Fire so you don't get set on fire and he does not regenerate mana(jk)
Can't beat em join em
Just play Adagio then :D
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Region: NA
Rank: Vainglorious Bronze(until soloq makes me drop)
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"Good warriors fight hard, but great warriors fight smart" -MaximusPrime
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Region: NA
Coach for Nova Esports
Imma Roam Main
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Region: NA
Rank: Vainglorious Bronze(until soloq makes me drop)
Mains: Kinetic, Malene, Ardan
"Good warriors fight hard, but great warriors fight smart" -MaximusPrime
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Region: NA
Coach for Nova Esports
Imma Roam Main
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Region: NA
Coach for Nova Esports
Imma Roam Main
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Posts: 297
If you lose, you die
If you don't fight, you can't win
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