So I'm familiar with MOBAs but this my first time trying one. I picked this game because i almost always have my iPad and have a lot of fun playing mobile games on it. I've been playing this game consistantly for the last two weeks and I don't know if I'm getting it.
I've read/watched the tutorials and videos. i look up the builds and there is a LOT of information to gather just to play without running around in circles spam tapping targets with no success. So I'd like to know.
1- How do you level up during the matches? is it based on minion kills, gold earned, player kills, or some other factor I don't know about.
2- How do you communicate with your team during the match? I've been unable to figure out how to coordinate with the players I am matched up with. Is there an un-written learning curve or game strategy everyone plays by?
3- Why are the rewards so low and the cost of the non-free to play characters so high?
4- just how do i view my stats while playing. right now I have been trying to do it during combat, but I can't tell if any of the money I'm spending on these items are even working. I understand they must be working since my "tank" character is being "3-shot killed" by "mages" like Celeste.
Please help me get some insight on this game before i spend any more time, effort, or money to purchase in-game items.
1. You level up based on kills. This could be minions or opposing players. There's a faint gray bar underneath your skill icons which indicates the amount of exp you have currently accrued. There's also a very subtle exp gain over time, so you could technically do nothing, and if the game lasted long enough you would eventually reach Level 12. However it's not so much that you would actually be competitive if you didn't do anything.
2. The only method of communication is via the ping icons on the top right hand corner. It's extremely limited, but we get by. After a while, certain things begin to make sense and you will get used to the actual meaning of pings. For example a ping to gather in the bushes (white ping circle with three inward pointing arrows) normally suggests that your team prepares for an ambush (rather than just plain gathering and doing nothing). As for actual strategy, read the forums, read the guides, and you'll pick it up as you go along. Ask here in another thread if you have any specific questions and I'm sure someone will be glad to help?
3. The rewards start increasing by a lot as your karma level increases. Once you pass a certain point, coughing up 8k for a new character is practically peanuts. For example, at Karma Level 20, it's not uncommon to rake in 200+ glory after a good battle. In part, it's also to entice you to use the in-game currency and provide SEMC with moolah (not that it's a bad thing to support them if you like the game and can afford it).
4. You can't actually view your character's current statistics. You can infer it based on the items you have bought, because the character's starting stats are available (either in the hero information screen, or the leftmost icon on the bottom right hand side of the GUI - hit the button to view more details and they'll be in a row at the bottom of the popup).
What's your definition of tank? To give a very extreme example, you might feel that you've tanky if you built an Aegis and a Crucible, but if a Celeste builds, say, three Piercing Spears, a Broken Myth, a Shatterglass, and an Alternating Current, oh boy, you're going down.
IGN: Astrianna (NA) Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze Karma Level: 20 Best Heroes: Vox, Taka, Fortress Training Heroes: Celeste, Rona
"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
So u tried all your suggestions and I have had no luck. I've played this game often over the past several weeks. I've gone up 1level and of my 20 matches I've been lucky to win 6. I know that it takes some skill, but I feel like this gam was not greater for the casual player. I also believe that the characters aren't balanced. I like to play support archetypes and this game is all melee/tank/snipers. It's sad to play a game and lose 80% of the time. So I've deleted the game and left my opinion on the App Store review. Maybe I'll try it once the put in a casual mode, fix the mechanics, and balance the heroes.
@KoldSoul, hope to see you back soon! Watch players on twitch, especially people like ShinKaigen or the dev stream where they tutor players on Wednesdays. Find some friends RL and in-game to play with, you'll find that it's more enjoyable :)
To many, Vainglory is their first MOBA. That goes for me as well. Look through the academy section of the main menu, watch hero spotlights (bottom right on the hero's page in the Market) and you should see that you slowly can learn from mistakes! It's a tough road, but the most fulfilling experience you can find on iOS or android.
IGN: wolf_hands
NA Regional Community Manager for SEMC
I'm on Twitter and Twitch too!
1. You level up in game by getting the last hit on a minion. You also gain gold for killing heroes. Early game it's not worth killing heroes because it's not worth much gold but once an opponent has killed your teammates several times and hasn't been killed his gold bounty goes higher. Meaning the more kills someone has the more gold you get for killing them. Last hits are important because If you take out 90% of the minions health and your ally hits it and kills it he gets the gold and you get nothing (unless you have an irongaurd contract. You can earn gold by being near your allies who are killing minions but you won't level up unless you kill minions yourself. At every level you get to power up one of three of your abilities. Depending on your hero and build these abilities may be your primary attack which become more and more powerful as you buy crystal power. If you basic attack (when you click a minion and it attacks by itself) then it's better to buy weapon power. Some characters are built more tanky than others so you may need to buy a lot of defense. For example celeste can be killed very fast with no defense but ardan will last forever. The key to becoming a better player if knowing your heroes strengths and weaknesses and having a good build. The goal is to each level six (when your level 1 ultimate is unlocked) by roughly the sixth minute to be in really good shape during the match.
2. You communicate with players using the pings on the upper right hand corner of the screen above the map. Green target says to go to that location. The white with the three arrows pointed inward mean to get together for a gank, the yellow triangle exclamation mark is to avoid the area and the question mark is supposed to be used to indicate if the opponent was missing (if the laner isn't in the lane he may be in the jungle trying to sneak up on your jingling allies) but it's mostly used to point out bad players on your team haha. There are also happy, sad, and a bear emoticons on the left of the screen when you tap the little button to thank your teammates be happy or sad.
3. Rewards are low and the heroes cost so much because otherwise everyone would have all the heroes unlocked immediately. This gives some variety in the heroes we see as well as giving the game more replay ability. It's to make you keep playing the game to get the hero you want. After the next update it's going to be used to force noobs (everyone once was) to play a lot so they can buy three heroes before going into a ranked match.
4. No way to determine your exact stats without looking at your base stats your level and adding all of it with your build items. If your getting killed a lot see if they are building CP or WP. For crystal power buy agesis and for weapon power buy armor. If they're kiting you (rapid fire burst damage like ringo) buy atlas (to use atlast hit the button on the bottom left of your screen. This is where certain items you buy have active abilities you can use. So if you have sprint boots you can tap on the little icon to run fast for a second or two but then it's has like a 90second cool down.
If you have any other questions let us know. I strongly encourage you to re download it after update 1.6when it becomes more polished even though I think it's already a fantastic game. It's definitely overwhelming at first but once you get the hang of it you'll never put it down. The community and support for this game is ridiculously good and the best part is it's free so I love super evil mega corp and vaiglory(:
VaingloryFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite VG hero’s build and strategy.
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Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze
Karma Level: 20
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"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
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NA Regional Community Manager for SEMC
I'm on Twitter and Twitch too!
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