Did I miss a new strategy posted online? I've looked and looked all around and can't seem to find the new strategy of
"fall back, keep backing up, now hover in re-spawn to keep health, in order to win the game."
It is amazing that not only can I NOT find that online, it DOESN'T WORK!!! Stop backing up, PUSH FORWARD!!! The enemy turrets aren't going to just stop shooting because you are crying. Move forward, pop a potion, move forward.
Very true. Maybe because consumables don't take space once your space is filled up. But even then, without a full build I buy infusions when I know a team fight is coming up. Once you have played VG over and over, you will know when is the time. Infusions have lead to my most awesome comebacks and provides a devastating power boost surprise for my enemies who feel so cocky that they run into my jungle by themselves, Cough cough Koshka Cough Taka Cough
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