It is necessary to have a window in game that shows the cool down of ultimate abilities of all teamate, as it is crucial in every team gank.
Most players have experienced the difficulties and awkwardness in coordination in team gank.
One of the crucial reason is that the most important information in team gank,(teamate's ultimate cool down) is not shown.
Thus, a lot of time, team gank is determined by whether or not which team has more players who has ultimate ability ready.
This, however, has made the game more dependent on obscurity and less dependent on skill.
So in order to make the game more skill based, I suggest there be a mean that shows the ultimate cool down of the Team. ( all 3 players)
I could see how this would be useful, but most good players just save their ults for whenever they need them most. Also, ult's are situational. As a ringo, I'd never use mine in the middle of a team fight or in the initiation of a gank. Compare that to taka, who always uses his & has a tiny cool down, or adagio, who only used his in team fight situations. Ult's are very situational depending on the player so I don't really see the need for this. Good suggestion though :)
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Server- NA
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In theory this would be a good idea, however since this game is on a mobile device with extremely limited screen estate, having "always around" information like this would only clutter the display even further. From the POV of the developers I can't see a justification for this feature when it would be a lot easier for players to use a third party teamspeak service. Of course this disadvantages soloQ players... but seeing as how the experience there is already a total *****how, I'm not sure they'll do more for it.
IGN: Astrianna (NA) Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze Karma Level: 20 Best Heroes: Vox, Taka, Fortress Training Heroes: Celeste, Rona
"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
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"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
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