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more and more stupid peoples.

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Tonyy » October 3, 2015 1:22am | Report
i cant believe. more and more idiots and stupid people.

some examples. i choose vox . my teammates choose cath and phinn. i thought ok maybe phinn goes wp or cp. but wtf is this. both bought warhorn , cruc , fountain. how we can win if only me makes damage.
enemy team taka , ringo, celeste. was sure that we had no chance to win.
other game . petal, adaigo, me vox. i ping petal where she want to go. jungle or lane because she had ironguard. i tought jungle with adaigo . but wtf no. she goes in lane. ok i go jungle. but my adaigo never bougth ironguard. are the people drunken or what. petal with iroguard goes lane and adaigo me in jungle with no ironguard.
other game i played cath. i stun ringo or taka . but wtf my teammates attacks first. other cath.
i cant believe this ****t. from 9 ranked games i lost 8. new record.
makes no fun anymore.

Posts: 58
Quote | PM | +Rep by IKill_YouFoo » October 3, 2015 1:28pm | Report

Posts: 9
Quote | PM | +Rep by IKill_YouFoo » October 3, 2015 1:28pm | Report
I'll play with you as Catherine in support.

Hit me up

Posts: 9
Quote | PM | +Rep by Veneticius » October 3, 2015 3:03pm | Report
what tier are you in because right now i am in pretty good bronze but that never happens to me. usually it's me who does the "trolling" :( because I'm always testing out a build/hero *cough* petal *cough*

sorry to all the people who had to play a game with me

and if you keep losing don't you think you should change something? it doesn't have to be the character or match, it could be playing in a party with good players, taking a break after 2 losses in a row(that's what I do), or just going on youtube to learn stuff about vainglory.
Current Tier - The Hotness Bronze

And if you're looking for the Recruitment/Looking for a Guild Section, click here:
I had trouble finding it at first too :)

And I swear it's not a RickRoll(or is it???)
And yes I realize that it has the website name in the link so it's obviously not a trick.

Remarkable (21)
Posts: 250
Quote | PM | +Rep by Tonyy » October 4, 2015 5:31am | Report
i was hotness gold before update. now i must start with decent-ish

Posts: 58
Quote | PM | +Rep by KeFe » October 4, 2015 1:23pm | Report
And I was tier9 poa gold and after the 1.9update fall back to tier4.
Now I have to deal with the dumb noob horde. Afks every second game, 2 laners and more...
Thanks you super evil megacorp...
My other account was tier 8 and that one fell to just tier5.

Posts: 5
Quote | PM | +Rep by EXXCLUSIVE » October 5, 2015 12:52pm | Report
Its not about people being stupid or even idiots hence the guilds and teams in 1.9 all these so called experts should open a guild and devote some time to get people to feel good about the game by getting them confident just by going over the basics. We were all there at one point starting without any knowledge. So It doesn't make you better to take anger out when you can create a guild or join a dedicated group of players already in a guild.

Toxic behavior is what made me create a guild in the first place and I started meeting good people along the way. I have seen you play before on a live stream and your good but just think for a moment about teamwork because your kills will mean nothing if you in the halcyon fold against the enemy team. Besides i have been in those situations and I have handled them accordingly. Some where I have won and some where I have lost.

With the new update tiers are different and all of us have challenges ahead. Think about how can you be able to lead a team of strangers and what actions you may take to get their attention and showing them that teamwork always prevails.


RANK - Doesn't matter when it is Skill that counts

Notable (14)
Posts: 104
Quote | PM | +Rep by EXXCLUSIVE » October 5, 2015 2:38pm | Report
The Irony. Why did u just rage quit from a battle? Come back on so my guild team can play some more. You had adagio correct t3 skin?


RANK - Doesn't matter when it is Skill that counts

Notable (14)
Posts: 104
Quote | PM | +Rep by Veneticius » October 5, 2015 5:24pm | Report
EXXCLUSIVE - you played with Tonyy?

Tonyy - I'm sorry dude I hope you meet good players and win some games
Current Tier - The Hotness Bronze

And if you're looking for the Recruitment/Looking for a Guild Section, click here:
I had trouble finding it at first too :)

And I swear it's not a RickRoll(or is it???)
And yes I realize that it has the website name in the link so it's obviously not a trick.

Remarkable (21)
Posts: 250
Quote | PM | +Rep by Tonyy » October 5, 2015 9:14pm | Report
mostly i play cath . adaigo i try to learn. u said people not stupid. but some guys are crazy. for what u need support when u teammates go in front of u. or they try all the time to fight 1 vs 3 or 2 vs 3.
a lot of people have no patient. in the end of the game if a teammate dies u have to wait of him to come back and not to try to fight 2 vs 3 . mostly in the end of game 2 vs 3 is not working. or i saw a ringo he went a alone to enemy mine . sure he would be killed. a lot of games i saw my teammates focus cath or ardan. cant understand this. but maybe u right and its my fold as support. i dont know.

Posts: 58

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