As the title it says it all..
Honestly it sucks very bad, I'm on a losing streak I went down from pretty good, to Decentish and now I am stuck in Not Bad, why? Because I keep having players who either leave the game and desert, or leave the game if the enemy get the kraken (even though we still have our turrets) or which is best of all, a player who does nothing, NOTHING at all except going for enemy team minion mine and take it, return to base then go to take it again, and at mid game he just put scout traps everywhere.
I love this game so much, but it really gets so annoying and pissing right now. My team always have players who I swear they dont even know a thing about how to play, against a team who is well-organized and know what they are doing.
IG: Horus_TheDragon
Region: NA
Main: Saw, Krul, Ardan
Practicing: Taka, Glaive, Koshka
Skill Tier: Not Bad
Wins: 560
Honestly, I never had that problem, & I've played a huge number of games in pretty good from the first account I brought through there & the other two after that. Statistically, the other team should see those problems as often as you... The system isn't working against you.
Also, how is pretty good your highest after 560 wins? I think there's a bigger problem here... Lol. The players in pretty good aren't that serious, and when you're in those tiers, don't be surprised to run into some bad ones. Good luck mate!!
P.S.- saw is not a good option as a main; I wouldn't even recommend krul or taka that much either. Try to learn the heroes that are popular on the livestreams and amongst the pinnacle and vainglorious players (koshka, skaarf, ringo, Vox, etc) :D
Skill tier- usually floating around in simply amazing
Server- NA
I can play any position. Add me for a match!
I really don't know how I have 560 wins yet my tier sucks..
The heroes you mentioned are over-powered, I know how to play every single hero (except for joule not that much), and I am very good at encountring others build ups, its just the people in my team, they really suck! I honestly had 5 games in a row that one player desert after 5-6 minutes. Our skill tiers shoulnt drop when this happens, or when we even surrender with one player left. Its unfair.
Saw CP is great, I made lovely games with it, its the freaking stuns that bugs me! But if you have catherine on your team or celeste they could stun enemies and protect you.
But currently, due to this stupid problem, I play Ardan mostly and tank, to try balancing the team and protect them.
IG: Horus_TheDragon
Region: NA
Main: Saw, Krul, Ardan
Practicing: Taka, Glaive, Koshka
Skill Tier: Not Bad
Wins: 560
I'm 99% sure SEMC is not going to see this anyways. They pretty much only listen to Twitch streamers... I recently got demoted to The Hotness Silver... *sigh* Sucks to have a Petal who prioritizes boots. Anyways, starting from SA+, the games start to get fun. Other than that, the pub matches here are absolutely sh*tty.
Main: L1FE
Skill Tier: Simply Amazing
Karma Level: 17
Wins: 180+ (I don't play too much)
Region: NA
I dropped from Hotness to Pretty good once 1.4 came out, and I suspect it was because of the chaos that the Skaarf/Vox imbalance created. You were either in games with both of them on the other team (and neither on your team) or higher ELO players got knocked down a tier and started cleaning up in your tier.
I have no data to back this up, but I'm suspecting this because this is what happened to me. Got knocked back down to Pretty Good, then started cleaning up in all my games. Back to Hotness now, but it wasn't for nothing. It did give me a chance to rework my Krul build and tactics, and I actually got pretty good at countering Vox and Skaarf.
I have a feeling 1.5 is going to even out the situation again. They were bringing in Bay Area players to playtest, which I don't think they had done before, and that should count for something, considering these are the guys who are creating the meta that the rest of us use (Foojee, Pwnt, etc.)
VaingloryFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite VG hero’s build and strategy.
Region: NA
Main: Saw, Krul, Ardan
Practicing: Taka, Glaive, Koshka
Skill Tier: Not Bad
Wins: 560
Death is upon you..
Posts: 18
Best Skill Level Achieved: Simply Amazing Bronze
Karma Level: 20
Best Heroes:
Training Heroes:
"How many Saws does it take to- one to instalock."
Notable (6)
Posts: 66
Server- NA
I can play any position. Add me for a match!
Notable (18)
Posts: 186
Region: NA
Main: Saw, Krul, Ardan
Practicing: Taka, Glaive, Koshka
Skill Tier: Not Bad
Wins: 560
Death is upon you..
Posts: 18
Skill Tier: Simply Amazing
Karma Level: 17
Wins: 180+ (I don't play too much)
Region: NA
Been playing since November of 2014
Posts: 18
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