Before patch 1.15, Koshka was already a very out-balanced hero: her mid to late stage game was basically a joke: low survivability in group fight and easy being targeted. The only way she contributes to the team at the later stage is chasing enemy after a group fight. It's clear that, besides the early pressure she could offer, Koshka was a decorative hero for the team.
Now after patch 1.15, this hero is completely done. The huge cooldown nerf kills her both aggressive skills and survivability(she relies on life steal after attack/kill a lot). This even lower the chance for her to gear up in the early stage of the game, and make it even more harsh for the later.
Vainglory should've just took out this hero from the selection panel so that no team will be trapped by this hero
You really do suck st koshka don't you? Koshka is still a amazing character from what I've seen, I've still been wrecking with her out in the fold against teams and guilds, and koshka has still been a pain for me to deal with. You know what I hope this thread ends up like that other one were everyone just says bye and stops caring about your stupid opinions.
Highest Rank So Far: Pretty Good ~ Gold Current Rank: Pretty Good ~ Gold Lane: CP Skaarf, WP Ringo, and Taka Jungle: CP Skye, WP Ozo, WP Joule, Taka Roam: Cath, Ardan, Taka Main: TAKATAKATAKATAKATAKATAKATAKA
Koshka's "nerf" is more of a balance. Seriously it's like 1-2 seconds longer cool down, barely any different. And no, she doesn't rely on lifesteal, it's just your play style that relies on it. You gotta adapt to the hero and learn better ways to play her. To deal with her cool down I buy an alternating current to get hose auto attacks in faster which reduce cool downs on all abilities by 2 seconds. I've mained with Koshka since I've started playing, and I've learned to adapt. Different enemies require different builds, you gotta figure out what works.
Her late game hasn't changed at all, the cool downs are exactly the same as they were in 1.14 at max level. She is still one of the strongest junglers out in the fold. I honestly don't get why everyone is hopping on the "Koshka falls off late game" bandwagon. You simply have to play differently in the late game.
Koshka's early game is so strong that with the right support hero, you can snowball the early game. Invade the enemy jungle and steal their minions. Run up and put pressure on the lane. Yeah, she may not be the strongest late-game hero, but she is still good. If the pro's use a hero, they are most likely not a bad character to play.
Koshka is still OP, i was dominating with her in 4 games in a row with her, i got 8 kills and no deaths while the enemy just surrended. make sure you have a good support, it makes a huge difference with koshka and make sure you get gold early game so you can survive and take control. also make sure
You sir, either have not played enough Koshka, or have been playing her wrong. Koshka is one of the few heroes that can literally win level-2 fights with only 2 Crystal Bits.
Skaarf is my bae forever
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A hero failure you say? Please follow instructions as followed. 1. Read over all talent/ability skills/watch video's until you thoroughly understand how each one works. 2. Research different builds for X hero and understand why you use those builds in certain situations. 3. After completing 1 and 2 play casual games to test each out. 4. If you are still having serious issues please check operator for error not the hero, thanks. BTW I went 31/1/9 with Koshka and average 12-15 with 1-2 deaths per game. I've been playing for a decent amount of time now and am on the verge of hitting the 1,100 games won mark and yeah before anyone says it no games won doesn't matter its kinda like rank but experience from all those games help me decide how to react to certain situations. I hope this helps you out GL in your future endeavors.
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Roam: Cath, Ardan, Taka
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