Tutorials. More specifically, the ironguard tutorial. I'm and Adagio player and besides being money hungry, depending on who I'm playing against and with I'll grab one to help YOU get more gold to be ahead. For ex. Both teams have Taka or Krul, I want you to get whatever OP item before they do so you can come to my rescue or actually be useful when it's time to take the gold mine, kraken, or lane.
So Please, stop spamming me with question marks and caution signs, and racing to get the first hit. I'm trying to help us both out.
There's a lot more I could rate about
Skill tier: 4 Decent-ish - Bronze
Karma: 20
Main: Adagio and Taka
(Decent with Ringo, Rona, Vox, Celeste and Catherine)
I had this same issue multiple times. One time one of the guys added me and said that he didn't care about the gold he just wanted the xp from the mobs.
My thought is that xp is capped out eventually, gold is not? Opinions?
What are you going to do in those matches when you can't get along with your teammate because they don't want to be a team player. Do you just play like your not going to play support? selling your iron contract?
Anyone have a simple solution, due to the lack of communication you can't really say "STFU I'm trying to help you!" when they are pinging.
There is no rule saying that one team has to share a jungle. If you come across someone who is looking to go solo, keep your Ironguard Contract and switch between lane support and leeching the enemy jungle. Get your Stormguard Banner as soon as you can to make your farming faster. Hiding in bushes near your laner does give you gold as long as you are not too far away. This may not be ideal, but it will still be effective as you can push the lane and hopefully you can avoid fighting with your team mates. Sometimes you just have to adapt to the players you get, you're not going to change them....
I suggest that you still be "the better man" and ALWAYS help if you see your jungler in trouble, since hopefully they will be getting to higher levels and gear rapidly while jungling solo. Even though you may think they are getting what they deserve, it will only hurt your team to not go down and give a helping hand.
Also, If you are going to be lane support, get your minion mine to help push towards their turret. Might get you a few pings, but hopefully the reason for you doing so will be apparent. Worst case scenario is that the opposing team will get their mine to balance things out and you are back even. Keeping pressure on the enemy turret is your best defense for a solo jungler. This should keep the enemy team preoccupied with having to help in the lane and keep them away from invading your own jungle.
[*] IGN - FederalMafia (NA)
"When I'm in command, every mission is a suicide mission."
I don't get it, they get xp and gold. From what I've noticed they level the same as if they were alone. I think that person gave some random excuse for their ignorance. On the other hand, I've actually resorted to leaving them alone to help lane instead and without fail they get wrecked by the enemy team.
No, I wasn't going to help them. Yes, we lost. I may decide to help regardless from now on, but that's because I'm currently struggling to get past Dencent -bronze and hopefully once I do, I'll be able to play with more experienced, objective focused players
Skill tier: 4 Decent-ish - Bronze
Karma: 20
Main: Adagio and Taka
(Decent with Ringo, Rona, Vox, Celeste and Catherine)
Yeah, any decent team will recognize that there are two of you in the lane and start to invade your jungle. It's going to happen. That is why you have to try to push their turret to force them into the lane. Be sure to use plenty of scout traps on your own side of the lane to avoid getting a backdoor gank from the enemy junglers.
If you did decide to just follow the other jungler around, the changes made to Ironguard Contract will still get you bonus gold from the jungle minion, even if you do not make the first hit. Your team mate will just miss out on the 25% bonus for not utilizing IGC correctly.
All the first hit/last hit fighting aside, it is still most important to get the win. Letting your jungle get run over will almost guarantee a loss for your team. Early game help from BOTH laners to stop a jungle gank by the enemy shouldn't harm your turret, since a single hero early game can't do too much damage to it. With a 3v2 situation in your favor, hopefully it'll scare them away from your jungle and make life a little easier.
[*] IGN - FederalMafia (NA)
"When I'm in command, every mission is a suicide mission."
IKR. There needs to be a mute button so I can stop that question mark sh*t.
I never play scaarf but I have him as my avatar to mess with people.
I am a young pizza cat, even though I hate koshka.
IGN: Yangusbeef
Rank: Pretty good. It fluctuates between bronze, silver. and gold, but I usually never go under or over that.
VaingloryFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite VG hero’s build and strategy.
Karma: 20
Main: Adagio and Taka
(Decent with Ringo, Rona, Vox, Celeste and Catherine)
Notable (1)
Posts: 15
Started: July 6, 2015
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Wins: 50+
Karma: 11
Rating: Decent-ish Silver
Looking for team that uses mumble.
Posts: 3
"When I'm in command, every mission is a suicide mission."
Notable (7)
Posts: 100
Karma: 20
Main: Adagio and Taka
(Decent with Ringo, Rona, Vox, Celeste and Catherine)
Notable (1)
Posts: 15
"When I'm in command, every mission is a suicide mission."
Notable (7)
Posts: 100
I am a young pizza cat, even though I hate koshka.
IGN: Yangusbeef
Rank: Pretty good. It fluctuates between bronze, silver. and gold, but I usually never go under or over that.
Notable (11)
Posts: 319