I've just ended a pretty cool session (Krul + Adagio and Glaive), it was balanced 2 turrets down for both team, everyone at 12, etc etc... damn funny. We were against Celeste, Koshka and Glaive.
At this point, the Glaive member on my team (Maximum1999 or maximum99 i don't remember) just went afk and got killed inside our base. Ok, it can happen, no big deal.
Then we were 2vs3, we got eventually overpowered, and the enemy team got the kraken. During this battle our glaive was immobile in our base, and was typing smiles and beers icons, just to make fun of us loosing 2vs3.
I play just for fun during my lunch break or study break, and I was pretty happy anyway about this game, it has been fun for 20min.
This thread is just a +1 for a feedback system, that I know it's on the to-do-list.
Well you can't really do anything about trolls or people who purposly went afk/not supporting you. The only solution which comes up to my mind is to introduce a rating system for each player. So players with a higher reputation are likely to match with other players of the same level of reputation. In my opinion, the karma matching system is not really working.
Well you can't really do anything about trolls or people who purposly went afk/not supporting you. The only solution which comes up to my mind is to introduce a rating system for each player. So players with a higher reputation are likely to match with other players of the same level of reputation. In my opinion, the karma matching system is not really working.
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