I know that recently this forum was flooded with complains and new topics about the bad matching system and noobish teamplayers (count me in please on my rant).
So I was apparently complaining about my noob teammates and their wonderful skills (note: congrats and my great appreciation to skilled players who constantly run into the enemy or buying totally useless items - such as running boots x 7 times), until someone decided to talk back and contest my arguments concerning the matching system.
So some people tried to convince me that in order to reach the skilltier PoA or Simply Amazing, you need to win a game without ANY support of your teammates - simply spoken: SOLO QUEUE. That's well and good, but how the hell am I supposed to SOLO QUEUE while my teammates are clearly players who have absolutely no idea how to play the game?
I mean, how the effin' hell am I supposed to SOLO Queue with, let's take Joule, while my teammate Ringo is constantly running towards the enemys base or his attempts to attack the enemies whilst all of the opposite players are still alive?
How the hell am I supposed to solo win/kill all THREE opponents while my two teammates are obviously sleeping, afk or just simply trolling the entire game?
How the holy mother lord of hell am I suppoed to win the game if I'm support (Catherine) and both of my teammates are lane characters, but one seems to prefer a hit'n run situation instead of killing/assisting his teammates, while the other is stealing my farmings in the jungle (ringo, petal, skaarf).
How the inapprehensible hell am I supposed to lead my team to victory while my teammates keep on attacking the enemies gold minion while I/we clearly point out NOT to attack the minion because its situational inept??
How the not-even-a-facepalm-can-chill-me-the-****-down hell can I keep on playing with those teammates, when they keep beeing afk or just simple running in circles in the jungle?
How the hell can I win the game if both of my teammates choose to take laners and beeing non supportive?
So how the hell can I freaking Solo Queue? Please teach me Yoda Wan Kenobi Norris Chuck!
You must have really, really, really bad luck there, mate. And it's somehting I'm actually curious about, seeing all the recently surfaced post about it. I solo que almost constantly (having only one or two people on my friends list I play with occasionally), and the situation described by you is something that happens to me once every... five? or so matches. 20% probability, to be generous. And I never try to carry, always play support (the few times I tried laning, it was a disaster).
I'm not trying to disregard or ridiculize your claims (I was bothered by your c&p rant over several topics the other day, but that was then and this is now), but am actually curious as to the why. Maybe it's because of the server? I play at the South America server, and perhaps the game over here is played mostly by people who want to get good at it instead of trolling/afking/whatever, because the iPhone is a relative luxury item and not everyone has it. While in a NA server you're bound to get more noobies and griefers for the exact opposite reason?
I don't know. Used to think people were complaining just for the heck of it, but so many rants nowadays can't be a coincidence, perhaps? I honestly don't know at this point. Would love to see a statistic about it, pitting percentages of "good" matches against "bad" ones, but have no idea how one would go around to make one of those.
IGN: Aquiday
Main(s): Ardan, Koshka
Secondary: Catherine
Region: South America
Karma level: 13
Wins: 100+
Tier: The Hotness
I'm not trying to disregard or ridiculize your claims (I was bothered by your c&p rant over several topics the other day, but that was then and this is now), but am actually curious as to the why. Maybe it's because of the server? I play at the South America server, and perhaps the game over here is played mostly by people who want to get good at it instead of trolling/afking/whatever, because the iPhone is a relative luxury item and not everyone has it. While in a NA server you're bound to get more noobies and griefers for the exact opposite reason?
about the server i thought i played ppl from any server but i soon found out thats not the case as i tried to friend one from a different server to get the message "failed to find player" so now knowing that and knowing the NA region and having the US in that were most likely to get the douche bag players cause the US is the worst place to play games in cause we are full of trolls here its terrible.
So after starting a new account and playing all the way up to Hotness, heres my impression regarding the 3-latter matchmaking in NA:
Vainglorious - POA - Simply Amazing - once a player gets to Simply Amazing, they get top competition. have not heard complaints from folks up here.
Hotness - Pretty Good - Decent-ish - Everyone here is bundled into one from all the complaints. Seems like if you're Hotness, you will still be matched at times with players at Decent-ish. I run into plenty of noobs on Hotness and very skeptical as to their experience level from the way they play. Could also be effected by win ratio though... because my first account has over 400 wins but I'm still at hotness, where my new account has slightly over 100 wins and hotness as well... but then again, refuting my own argument, I run into plenty of tards on my new account too.
Everything Below - all bundled into one. Once you get to Decent-ish you play with slightly better competition, however most games will still be with partied noobs.
* Bonus - The '5-minute' people play together here, from all tiers. For some reason, when I'm down here and despite the long wait I get WAY better games than in normal queue, where players actually seem like they're from the same tier as me or better...still see tards though albiet rarely.
So i have found out the flaw and let's say "bug issue" now due to the matching system:
I have created a new account since long****kim and also other players suggested me to create a new account in order to reach the same skilltier as I am now (The hotness) but just with less deaths (because of my experience in using the fav character).
However, my first 10 matches I used to win all of the game and I used to consequently dominate all the enemies with my SAW character, which means I went on a rampage on SOLO QUEUE. Please not that I could only manage to go on SOLO QUEUE until a certain level of skilltier and level.
So I had played about 10 games already with a win/defeat reatio of 9:0 or 10:0. Now here is where we have the twist and all the things turn upside down.
So I started to reach skilltier: DECENT-ISH (with my alter account) and out of sudden, the enemies started to be rapidly more difficult to kill. The enemies supringly almost exploded from noobish from hell to midskill/skilled players.
While I started to match with more skilled enemy players, MY teammates seemed to be still stucked in the very low skilltier levels. I mean, comeon. I had 13:4 kills whilst my teammates were suffering from a 0:12 and 1:15 defeat!!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK????
My pereception:
The matching system only matches and is based on the HIGHEST player in the team which means the following:
- a player who has for example skilltier DECENTISH but with a high kill streak and little defeats (like in my case with 10 matches won and 0 lost) will still match with "regular" DECENTISH players who might have a lower skill/experience in playing the game.
- this means that sometimes often a high skilled player in a lower skilltier level than he deserves, will match with the same LEVEL of skilltier player, who fits exactly in that skilltier field.
PLAYER 1 = has won 10 games, 0 zero lost games. SKILLTIER: DECENTISH (because of only 10 played games)
matches with
PLAYER 2 = has won 50 games, but 35 lost games. SKILLTIER: DECENTISH (because of the amount of won games or the won/defeat ratio)
matches with
PLAYER 3 = has won 10 games, but 3 or 4 lost games. SKILLTIER: DECENTISH (because of the amount of played games and the lost/defeat games are too little to decrease his skilltier level)
Player 1 is in this cased screwed because both his teammates obviously are much lower skilled players.
Since #PLAYER1 has a high skilled reputation the matching system tries to find opponents/enemies with almost the same skilltier level or kill streaks which leads to an unbalanced matching system. Hence the matching system will always match on dependence of the HIGHEST skill level a player feaures in the entire team, independent of the skill level of the OTHER TWO players.
This can lead to completely unfair results, such as playing against a very strong team (if two out of three members of the enemy team are strong, it is enough to **** your whole game up) while your teammates are apparently goofballs/hold much lower skill levels than you and the opponents.
I hope this explains the flaw in this game and illustrates the few reasons why some players (ME!) are particular on rants!
PS: I still don't get it how people can be seemingly that stupid to not understand game build-in signals such as "need help", "need suppport", "go there", "avoid the place" or "on my way". Some people are just sappy and not made for this game.
PPS: Grammarnazis please beware, it's late and I am tired. I know that I have made a lot of mistake while writing this. For your consideration English is not my mother tongue.
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Main(s): Ardan, Koshka
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Region: South America
Karma level: 13
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Tier: The Hotness
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