So what can we do to deal with griefers? I normally play Saw, but someone locked him in before me today in rank Pretty Good (my karma is lvl 20). He proceeded to buy nothing but Boots, and run as close as he could to the enemy crystal. Over. And over. And over again. Until finally we could surrender at the 15min. I have a screenshot of the score with his stupid boots at lvl 11. I couldn't et one of him in the enemy base on the map though cause he'd die so fast.
Is there a list of offenders? What's the plan for dealing with this kind of behaviour?
the offending player was achilles78 on the NA server.
Enemy team as likely as you get this player (actually they are more likely if we assume you never troll). Play consistent to move up. Higher the skill tier, the fewer trolls.
Your K/D/A ratio does not go into consideration when skill tier is concerned. It's based on if you win or lose, and how your elo compares to your opponents' elo.
If your skill tier is lower than your opponents' and you win, you gain a larger amount of elo. But if you lose, you will lose a smaller amount of elo.
If your skill tier is higher than your opponents' and you win, you gain a small amount of elo, but if you lose you lose a larger amount.
I was able to get from Decent-ish to The Hotness by using Catherine and playing support most every game. What's really important is to find a hero you are the best with (not just in terms of K/D/A, but in making a difference in the match) and stick with them when you're really trying to go up in skill tier.
Finding some good teammates to play with helps alleviate the solo queue blues :P
IGN: wolf_hands
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