Please pay attention to your teammates builds. When one of your teamates gets ironguard contract follow them. Let them get first hit, then help them defeat the minion and they should let you get last hit. This is beneficial to both players as the person with IG gets health and gold from the contract and the other player gets gold for last kill. Follow their lead, if they go to right side of map, follow them, don't go the opposite direction.
There are a few that don't understand how it works and complain when you attack their minion. They are unskilled noobs and you are F'd.
Just remember person with ironguard contract gets first hit
Person without contract gets last hit.
I've had some decent luck with teammates on how IG works. But I did have one game where a Fortress had IG and I followed him around. He really didn't fall back when it was time for me to take last hit, and took half those hits. After a few minutes he just stood there waiting for me to make the first hit.
I ended up separating and going my own way. We ended up winning and Fortress dominated with 10/0. Thought I missed something on how IG works.
The problem I see, and the way I understand a contract, with iron guard contract you are supposed to take the first hit and allow your ally to get the last hit. You get some gold and some health while your ally gets the gold for the kill. There is no punishment for the person with ironguard to stop them from last hitting, other than not getting the health, who cares about the health I can make up for that with some pots. I think there should be a punishment for taking last hit while ally is within range, -health, 0 gold. This will make them follow the "contract"
The one problem with the Contract is that the player with the contract will level up a lot slower due to not getting any last hits. To counter this as the player without the contract I will sometimes give the signal for the contract player to get the last hit. People who understand how to use it usually figure out what's going on pretty quick, and it helps build your teams overall ability faster
If you're playing support and you don't know how to use irongaurd contract you need to take a good long hard look at yourself in the mirror and wonder what is the meaning of life
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