Name: Eren Yaeger
Lore: Watch the anime Attack on titan you would know the lore once you watch it or have watch it
Heroic Perk: Instead of energy Eren uses Rage. Whenever Eren is in combat he gets rage. At max rage he will transform into a titan. Whenever Eren is out of combat or he's in titan form he will lose rage. If Eren attack an enemy hero while in titan form he will gain back 30% rage.
Human Form: Eren gains Bonus Move speed, Attack speed, Cool down Reduction, Energy Regeneration, and health regeneration.
Titan Form: Eren Gains Bonus Health, Armor, Shield, Weapon Power, And Crystal Power.
A ability: Silver Blades/Hand Of Justice
Human form, Silver Blades: Eren Will Throw be able to throw both of his swords he is currently holding. The Sword will lose damage based on how many enemy's it hit. If it has hit 4 enemy's then it will instantly break.
Titan Form, Hand of Justice: Eren will launch his fist at a target direction stunning and dealing damage to an area
B ability: Restock Supply/Anger
Human form, Restock Supply: Eren will be dropped restock supply's. Eren will Heal, Gain a shield that last forever until it is destroy, Decaying Move speed, and his next three auto attacks do bonus armor pen damage
Titan Form, Anger: Eren will yell slowing nearby enemy's. He will also gain 25% rage. Anger last for 5-8 seconds(each point gives +0.5 second). While Anger Eren will gain a burst of move speed, Bonus Attack speed, and bonus weapon power damage.
C ability: Cry's of the hunted
Can only be csst if Eren is in Human form
Eren Will Instantly Turn to a titan. He will also stun nearby enemy's. Enemy's who are not in range will instead be slow regardless on where they are. He will also leave front prints that last for 5 seconds. enemy's who step on it are slow. ally's who step on it gain move speed. Also nearby enemy's will take damage
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